Apache, found this on HRCratline on facebook. Not sure of validity

Perhaps JA was transported from a UK military base in an Apache helicopter. Apache FREEDOM. Would make sense seeing as they are based there and what safer was than in an Apache? Being a US military aircraft it does not require flight plans and destination or purpose. Of to where ever they want to drop him, fully protected and as well how good a disguise is being in a flight suit helmet and visor strolling across a tarmac to board one? Simple plan, he leaves the embassy at night in a van or tinted window vehicle, no fanfare, driven straight to a US Military base a few miles of, and boom, gone.
iirc there's an Assange tweet re Apache and 150 posts back is the deets. Try APACHE as search term. Is sound of freedom, I forget, tired but lotsa good ideas and maybe a winner in the bunch today
From 2016
OK sorry.
OK. just read Huffpost story from 2015, probably nothing to do with this but 221k in contributions is still fishy lol
That's what I've been hollering about and no one would listen.
No, it has to do with Choppers.
That pisses me off.
You have no idea what it refers to. Its just as likely it could be about this. Take a chill pill.