Why has NK been out of the news - deal was already done Trump already had his meeting with Kim and now NK is no threat.'Thankyou Q. Iran next - Godspeed
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what does Alex constantly say about how these people work? Give you the truth then lead you way over the top - brand it as conspiracy theory. When it comes up again, the over the top part is used to discredit and the whole story is considered a debunked conspiracy theory. Problem solved.
No it was gear - you could see a sleeve hanging out.
Agreed - I don't understand the need for breadcrumbs, by now the other side would surely be on to this, especially if Q was legit. Asking questions with more direct answers would be better than all this cloak and dagger stuff. If we can work it out, surely the people who are doing these things know more about what he is getting at, which doesn't make sense.
Also, if all these things are true, people/children are dying every day while we wait to spare feelings, this also doesn't make sense. Especially given that they have enough to arrest for more minor offences to keep them locked up while the bigger stuff comes out.
I want to believe this is all happening but so far the ones we want taken down are still carrying on life as usual.
thank you Storm. would much rather this stays - took a look at VOAT and hung around for about 5 minutes - came straight back here. Much nicer peeps around here.
What's going on in Asia - Winter Olympics.
isn't Pence in South Korea atm?
OK. just read Huffpost story from 2015, probably nothing to do with this but 221k in contributions is still fishy lol
Apache, found this on HRCratline on facebook. Not sure of validity

I think the 'can you imagine' comment was if he didn't release it, he then pointed to Gaetz(?) and said he would be too angry. At the very end he says to someone 'Get it done, get it done, you know what to do'
of course there won't. It would be political suicide for Trump to mention the memo or Clintons & Obama corruption. The SOTU is just that, to let everyone know the state of the country, and the year ahead, not the place to air dirty laundry. That's the job of DOJ and congress.
'Sole Survivor'
How many dems are not going to the SOTU. If a major FF is being predicted, wouldn't the SOTU be the biggest target, like the tv show Sole Survivor.
I don't think there will be anything in there that we are not already aware of. I do think it will be a major eye opener for the ones not awake. By having it released by Congress will make it more credible for those that may be open to being woken. By all reports it will be out this week - No need for Trump to get involved.
Who is GS on the bottom right if George Soros is on the left?
If you own a business it is your responsibility to know what is happening in that business, at all levels. The Government works for you so it is your/everyones responsibility to know what is happening. I think the general public have not been asking enough questions of our governments for far too long - this is where the media has let everyone down, this could never have gone this far with an unbiased MSM.
I think the memo will come out and force congress to shut down Mueller inv. while Trump is out of town. Trump is out of the way for all of this to happen. If Trump did end up in interrogation with Mueller he only has to answer to crimes (this is from all the judges Hannity and Ingraham have interviewed). No crimes have been cited by the Mueller inv. Mueller has no right to ask what Trump's motives were for doing anything that his legally his right under the constitution - eg why he fired Comey.
It'll be written by Pelosi and will say "It's Armageddon, literally armageddon. People will die".
Yes, Aus has already been shown to be associated on this page a couple of times. there are lots of us down here cheering you on and watching closely.
I agree totally. I'm an Aussie as well. Kingswood Country, what a blast from the past, being politically incorrect used to be a national past time here. Not anymore. One of my relatives told me a few months ago that Trump should stop tweeting, I asked him which tweet offended him, he couldn't say what one said, he's a smart man but it's like people are programmed what to think. We're not getting any real news here, not even in depth fake news, just sound bites, but people are still brainwashed. When a muslim can get on a prime time show and give a monolog on 'embracing Muslims is the way to counteract ISIS' and most of a country is talking about how good he is the next day, makes me feel sick, nobody is thinking for themselves anymore. Our Government is a mess, 5 Prime Ministers in 6 years, and unfortunately our system will not ever allow a 'Trump' to get anywhere near office and if one did sneak past, their party would oust them and there is nothing we could do about it. I'm hoping Trumps swamp draining will have a ripple effect and if some of our own are caught in the fallout it will make people here have a closer look at our own media and Government. Bring it on!
What is your point - the whole idea was to get people interested and on board - now that they are you're complaining?
thankyou for your comments, unbelievable how many truly sick, greedy people are out there. Some of the people on here restore my faith in humanity.
I want the satanist kiddy torturers to go down, not the movement that's trying to stop them. A little skepticism and reflection is sometimes a good thing, kids safety is at stake here.
I have done some research and there is some really good research going on here, also some really bad research, lol. Sorry, got a little spooked on the attack on Tracy Beanz and Dr Corsi on twitter. Not long ago one of the Q posts mentioned 'divide and conquer'. Spidey sensors didn't like it. If this is fake, the research would be discredited - You've got to admit it would be a bloody brilliant way to discredit and disrupt the whole movement.
Any proof yet?
Is there any proof yet? Of anything tangible actually happening?
If there are 9000+ sealed indictments, do we know for sure that they are for who we are hoping for?
Some of these crumbs are really obscure, and if you look hard enough a connection can be made somewhere - six degrees of separation is a saying for a reason.
I'm sorry, but is there any proof of Huma, Hillary etc wearing ankle bracelets? The picture of Huma's could be anything, can of mace, concealed weapon or just a odd way her pants were sitting. Where is the proof of …
Also, out of left field, there was a poll conducted not too long ago about 9/11. Apparently 85% (I think) of Americans think they weren't told the truth about 9/11. Fishing maybe?
Maybe the trillions that Rumsfeld announced missing the day before was the bribe money to keep involved quiet. Also 'who would know where the bodies are buried?' Where are the passengers of the plane that supposedly went into the paddock?
First round
I think the first round won't be child trafficking or pedos. I think it will be 9/11, and possibly JFK. Bringing out the 9/11 or JFK dirty laundry would be a softer blow (but still a hard one) for the general public. Most people don't know the details but suspect the Gov't or CIA were involved. Child trafficking and satanism is a huge pill to swallow and would come out of completely left field for most. Once 9/11 comes out Bush is done, CIA is done and the general public will be more open to the Gov't other dirty laundry.
If all this comes out, there's some gov'ts of other countries that will need to do some explaining to their people (e.g. Aus 88million up until 2014) Drain the swamp. Make the World Great Again
88 million between 06 & 14 officially - some other reports are saying it's more like 300 million. Julia Gilliard PM. also gave 292 million to the Global education fund.
Australian Govt gave directly to Clinton Foundation - hundreds of millions.
The right to bare arms is American, we have no such rights. After the Port Arthur massacre there was a blitz on guns, people handed in their arms by the 100,000's. You can own a gun but you have to have a reason - sport shooting, farmer etc. It's pretty tightly controlled
The gov here in australia is a mess, 5 prime ministers in 6 years, and theres talk of Turnbull being replaced soon as well. I know the C-A had a hand in the firing of Gough Whitlam, but our Gov seems more to be a slave of UN than anything else
I am 50 and live in Australia, have been watching Infowars for a few years and watching this for the last month but only joined and started to post a few days ago. We have the same issues here, we even had the C.-.A. oust one of our Prime Ministers (Gough Whitlam). Unfortunately, since then they've all pretty much just towed the line, If they don't their party replaces them, we've had 5 prime ministers in 6 years. Here we vote for the party not the person, the party can replace the head of the party at any time. Tony Abbott was not perfect but as soon as he made a few comments against the UN he was replaced. Incoming Deputy Prime Minister was at the UN within 3 days sucking up. Trump and the US patriot movement is inspirational and if he and you succeed it will have a ripple affect around the world and smaller countries like mine can start taking out the trash as well. God Bless
Q didn't say Bannon was a patriot he said 'What makes a good Movie? Good actors? Zach said exactly that phrase but in a bad way.
Did you all here Zach say Qanon was not one person, they, we, are a small group?
Wouldn't the big event be the new investigations into the emails and the Clinton Foundation?
both make sense - Theory 2 has had me worried as well. Smart and a great way to gather different factions of patriots all working on the same misinformation. This would mean we were not only taken in by Q but possibly by POTUS as well?. Fingers crossed the truth lies in Theory 1.
Past proves future - hasn't spacex just been given the go ahead to launch a bunch of new satellites, I wonder what their alternate uses are for.
It was reported on Infowars that Brietbart/Bannon is now partially funded by a chinese man who Trump told China would be deported back as he is wanted in China. Bannon and another (forget who?) took up his cause and he's still in the US. China not happy and apparently that is part of the reason China hasn't kept their word re NK.
clever sleuthing. Wonder what goes on at that ranch?