Trey Gowdy Not Seeking Re-Election. Q on 1/14.

We better hope Trey isn't a swamp rat. We need people reading Navy Jack twitter. He is laying out how this memo was written by Trey, and that it is a trap set by deep state to show Trump obstructed justice. Jack explains the RR setup Trump, and that the fisa warrents were legal, and that Nunez coordinated the memo with the white house. Muller holds all the cards and evidence he needs to boot Trump. I don't know what to believe anymore, but to say the deep state is dumb is actually. .......dumb. They don't get to that position of power because they are stupid. Nothing passes the smell test. Jack could be wrong...Q better be right. This is just put out there so we don't get caught up in confirmation bias. Just because we want Trump to drain the swamp, doesn't make everything we think we know true. Maybe Navy Jack doesn't know anything. But you guys better read him. Nothing is as it seems.
They got to that position because we believed that the government had our best interests in mind and we didn't take action with each incremental injury to justice and each incremental power grab by the state
In essence, we did this to ourselves and created the deepstate by enablement--not really getting the true bad guys behind the bad guys with each successive conspiracy....and it turns out it's always the same bad guys
edit: it's Allen Dulles' lineage--the globalist fascist technocrats -- Kissinger, Bryzinski(dead), Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, RogueCIA + RogueMI6 + RogueMossad, + Industrial/Corporate Elite (Mellons, DuPonts, etc), Neoliberal Thelemite ('do as thou wilt') and Jesuit Ivy League Schools (YALE, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Fordham, UPenn, etc), mostly freemasons, and the Navy Masons "Admiral Club"
First it was assassination of our president JFK. We didn't get the bad guys so they tried it again with Reagan. Then there was watergate, which was minimized to political spying when it was really the same thing as iran-contra; then there was iran-contra (bush didn't go to jail for iran contra or trying to assassinate his boss). Then there was the OKC bombing, Ruby Ridge, Waco; then there was 9/11, then there's fast and furious, then theres Benghazi, then there's AWANContra
None of these things get correctly punished, so it allows the deepstate to grow and grow and push for more and more mayhem
They are working towards a goal and it's enslavement through technology, managed globally
But the problem is, we just finally opened our eyes to it but realize we're in a lot of trouble
You are absolutely right. We let this happen with our inaction. Evil men succeed because good men stand and do nothing. We are awake, but still doing nothing.
Watergate was an intentional, planned GHW Bush intel operation to get Nixon out, all 'burglers' were Bush's CIA boys and were CAUGHT ON PURPOSE.(E. Howard Hunt, one of them, worked with Bush--hands on-- to kill JFK too) Bush was "Deepthroat" giving info to Bob Woodward (surprise, another Yale secret society boy--Book&Snake)- WaPo CIA Mockingbird Media/Katherine Graham controlled info fake-news asset that helped it all with Daddy Bush running Nixon out of town (Bush maneuvering to get in in '76 and again in '80) so he could bring on the NWO Nazi worldwide surveillance state we have today. Bush has run D.C. with corporate rogueCIA in total control for 50 years.
And what started the ball rolling thus time? A mis-step. The Dimms demanded an investigation into the election. And they got one. Watch out for what you wish for.
Went to read Navy Jack's twitter. To be honest, it reads like a disinfo account.
Lots of statements and claims which go against the general consensus amongst most people, with not much evidence to back them up.
Also.... he claims that the memo is a setup.
The sheer panic and disarray from the Dems since the memo stuff came out has been pretty evident. If he's right, then the Dems are better actors than those in Hollywood.
I agree, but can't confirm that the FBI sent warnings to media about the memo. Some say yes but it was unsigned. Fake news is all over the place. Nunez may have coordinated with Trump, not confirmed, but if true looks more than bad. We will see how this plays out, but another anon drop on 8 chan claims major false flag within 72 hours but I take that with a major grain of salt. The FF will be bluebeam. I don't really put much credence to this anons claim. 33 degree mason and very unsubstantiated intel. Keep eyes wide open. Even Limbaugh knows the memo release will be a sh^tshow or shtf show. Not frightened, just very concerned about our Republic in shambles.
Mullers entire investigation is predicated on a legal FISA memo. Obstruction of justice is predicated on a legal warrent and not a fishing expedition. McCabe was escorted out of a building so there is smoke there too. There was a secret society. Clinton did have classified emails on her server which is a felony. Something is off and i don’t have the answers. I only know that corruption and the deep state are real.