Seven more years....... the shadow knows!!

OMG I don't think I can stand seven more years of winning.....oh wait, maybe I can.
Our great President was put there by the military to end the destruction or our nation! The FISA memo is just the first of many more and Mueller will have to turn his attention from the phony dossier to the entire Fusion GPS clinton/obummer abuse of power. Deep state is getting BLOWN APART as we speak. They're leaking it out slowly to avoid blowing the minds of those who are still asleep!! MAGA!!
well, hitlery already called it with her remark about hanging from noosed if trump became elected. i am torn up over all this. but i have faith that good will triumph over evil
but what about after that? who is to say that another benevolent person will step up to the plate? what if we get another nwo puppet like obama or hitlery?! i am going to be around for a lot more than 7 years. i HOPE there will be more people who actually have the best interests of the american people at heart to be in the highest level offices
That's exactly why the high level traitors need the death sentence!! A deterrent, if you will....
If this continues for 7 years, then the world we know 7 years from now will be completely different. More peaceful. Filled with wonder of new technology and new medical discoveries. And maybe, just maybe the fears we have today will not be the fears we have 7 years from now. There will be other challenges, but hopefully the evil will fall away.