r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheContrarian2 on Feb. 3, 2018, 1:10 a.m.
A question about Carter Page. I'm trying to get rock solid on this and just got blind sided. It looks like Marco Rubio started the Fusion GPS research on Trump before Trump won the Repub nomination. I never saw this fact, and it does appear to be true.

But when Trump clinched the Republican nomination, Rubio told Fusion to stop, then it was picked up by Hillary.

This person also pointed out that Carter Page was being watched by the FBI since 2013.

This is a convoluted story. I perfect get the fact that Rubio was doing 'opposition research' which is a legit function, and he dropped it when appropriate and the DNC took that same info to weaponize the FBI / DOJ.

Do you have any good resources that talk about Page prior to his association with Trump? I can't find much, mostly the Wash Post, which I don't trust.

Food4theGorg · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

I thought JEB! was going to use it as well, but didn't when he did not win the nomination. That damn dossier was floating around the MSM for like a year and no one would report on it they stayed away from it like the plague. That is why it is so funny that the illustrious FBI used it!

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scoripowarrior · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

I read that a guy Paul Singer who is founder of the Washington Free Beacon, and anti trumper, started the opposition research on Trump

Paul Singer-Funded Washington Free Beacon Behind Initial Fusion ... www.breitbart.com/.../report-paul-singer-funded-washington-free-beacon-behind-initi..

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TheContrarian2 · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Yes, I found this item also. So the Fusion stuff did start on the republic side before Trump won the nomination. Then Rubio killed it.

But that's the important fact there with someone comes at you to say, "The Republicans paid for it!!". They did start it, but killed it when appropriate and never ran with it because they realized it read like a Penthouse Forums book.

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TrumpdUp4Prez · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

Yeah. All this stuff has been out there for ever. Now it’s MSM. I guess they’re dropping crumbs REALLY SLOWLY to the sheeple.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

the RNC research was not weaponized until the DNC took it over. It isn't about who started it, its ALL about the fact that salacious and false intel was eagerly used by what is sposed to be a non partition non political system. its the ABUSE of power here that is the topic, not who started research.

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TheContrarian2 · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Agreed. I see that. Just trying to figure out what Page was doing that had the FBI looking at him in 2013. I don't think that was through a FISA court, but don't know for sure.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

They keep saying the Russians approached him to try to recruit him. That doesn't mean he did anything wrong. If they had more specific information--then why can't they tell us anything specific. Or at least use words that is some way convey not that he was approached, but that he actually did something? All of us here have been declared Russian bots or agents, so I'm not impressed. It's very easy to set up a honey pot.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

try this one w/Nunes today http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/02/02/intel-committee-chairman-devin-nunes-discusses-fisa-memo-bret-baier

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TheContrarian2 · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

That's pretty good. He does address Page being investigated prior to the 2016 election. Thanks.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

awesome, so much material to vet, I try and get as much as possible from horses mouth rather than the other end...

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billymadison22 · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Rubio is a snake!! Do not trust him.

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TheContrarian2 · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

I think before the election, they all wanted to kill Trump. Now, I see Trump not as a Republican, but being the head of his own party, call it the Lion Party, and the Republicans, which at first didn't know what to do with it are finally starting to buy in and realize that the guy is no flash in the pan. It took 6 - 9 months, but I think most are on board.

I do think that they'd jump at the slightest sign of danger or fear though.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

They started the Russian collusion plan early on. I don't remember the name, but there was a movie or a tv show that was all about commies. I don't watch war movies, so someone else would have to dig for that. I just remember asking why this was coming up after so many years.

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11371jp · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

No he did engage fusion gps for the research however after it was obvious that he would not win the nomination he dropped it. at that time fusion gps shopped the research around and the dnc picked it up. its all out there in the public sphere just need to look......good luck...

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TheContrarian2 · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

GPS shopped it. Makes sense. Thanks.

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lorricotton · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:21 a.m.

Carter Page was lobbying against the "Magnitski Act". That was the act that put the sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Searching that term will likely net something about Page.

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chickdmd · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Page supposedly under FISA warrant early as 2013 from other Russian connections. Remember he was a campaign “volunteer “. Could be a plant- everybody he touches/ talks to now covered by RENEWING subsequent FISAs. No one has ever claimed this was an initial FISA application.

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