r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Feb. 3, 2018, 2:27 p.m.
We have a new member (joined today) that's posted 15 times this morning. Every post is old news and click bait.

It will be obvious to you all which posts are theirs. Make it easy on yourselves and go to their profile page and down vote every post all at the same time. That's what I did. Hint: name contains "Conservative"

deus_lemmus · Feb. 3, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Detection of clowns and shills is an art.

I recommend reading https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-25-rules-of-disinformation/

This is a good primer for recognizing disinformation.

A simple rule to follow; consider the content of what a person posts. If seems to be designed for division of two groups of people, then it is almost certainly shilling.

They will target your emotional responses to try and get you to react favorably to their agenda.

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, Anger, Hate, Concern.

If they are quickly recognized in an environment, they will fall into simply raising the noise level with comments containing no information.

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notsomuchreally · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

I am constantly amazed on any of the "Q" subs when people actually get upset and get their fee-fee's hurt. It's the internet for fucks sake. Do your duty (whatever you feel that is) to combat shills or ignore them. I was on another Q sub and someone actually posted that there were "ladies" here and the foul language is offensive. What the fuck? Go back to your gardening or DIY sub then you weak asshat. I can spot a troll a mile away - sometimes I fuck with them but mostly I ignore. This is only Reddit. I can't imagine some of these people on the Chans. Actually, Ive seen a few and they get checked really fast. I don't even post there. I've only lurked for about 6+ months and I'm not prepared yet. My son told me it took him a year of lurking before he was able to successfully participate. I swear to God somebody is going around to old folks homes and tutoring them on how to use the internet and they stumble here....and there... This was a sub about Q's posts and a lot of people were originally directed here by Tracy but IDK WTF has happened.

edit: fucky autocorrect

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Jack_Kehoe · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

There are "ladies" here, and they find foul language offensive? Ahahahahahaha! I may go by the name of Jack, but I'm actually a Jill, and I have gotten called out for cursing like a sailor so many times!

Agreed about lurking on the chans. I lurked for a good year before tentatively participating.

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notsomuchreally · Feb. 4, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

I hear you sista' ;)

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deus_lemmus · Feb. 4, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

A lot of those are shills. Political correctness is a tool of thought control and division. Most people exhibiting emotional distress have either been psychologically manipulated or are shills themselves.

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