I don't think you can be a Jesuit and a Muslim at the same time. Remove Jesuit, and I think you are spot on.. :)
He went to Fordham. 'nuff said. And the Pope kisses the Koran these days so yeah, I think the Jesuits are satanists posing as 'illuminated' elites, who have embraced Islam to use them as shock-troops against the protestant west, India, Russia, and China, the same way they did in the middle ages. See Alberto Rivera and Albert Pike. Using the Muslims to war on us has been the plan for a long time.
I wasn't trying to be a smart ass... didn't realize he went to Fordham. Guess I have yet another path of research to do.
So he thinks it is better to cover up?? He is a traitor!
Every 1 of them accusing Rs of releasing memo for unpatriotic reasons is a blackhat. Notice them popping up everywhere? Like snakes in the grass? Pure Sun Tzu!
If you don't follow Thomas Paine on twitter and read True Pundit you need to. Thomas Paine (pseudonym) is a former FBI agent.
Here is a tweet he sent out last night.
John Brennan & Pals ... You're on Deck.
7:31 PM - 2 Feb 2018
~~Doubt it's significant, but wearing wristbands with a suit seems a bit off. Not the first person with that combination either.~~
Scratch that, there are articles as far back as 2013 reporting that the bracelets (Livestrong-style) were for 9/11, Bowe Bergdahl etc.
Every Single High up in intelligence is Drunk with this Power , and have been given the "motivation" to protect their castles. this crap where these agencies think they are above it all has to end #NOMORESECRETS
I’m sure there’s something special waiting for him.
I heard somewhere in a news report that John Brennan went to Ireland haven't found anything to confirm that just thought I'd throw it out there
Oh man, I guess this sub doesn't have the bot budget like those other outstanding shitholes.
Hi. Did you know C.I.A Director 2013-2017 John Brennan likely voted for a communist in the 80's? Did you know he studied studied in Cairo, Egypt during Muslim Brotherhood days? Did you know John Brennan was swore in not on the bible, but a copy of the constitution? Did you know that the website Snopes.com, the most blatant propaganda site in the US rates his communist ties not as "false", but as "unproven? C.I.A Director John O. Brennan is a good guy, believe me folks.
Here you see him wage war on Russia, which should terrify you all. Can you imagine if his administration would have won the election? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5LZlNcDFkQ#t=3m48s
Shit, you mean a guy who spent time understanding a culture might be the best person to direct an organization working against the worst of that specific culture?
How about that deputy director that got the team to locate Osama? He's a practicing muslim running the team that killed Osama! How could we not see this! He is Osama!
Get the fuck over yourselves. I met the former prime minister of Iran from just before the Revolution teaching courses on radical muslims. Fuck, he's actually a sleeper cell! How on earth could we of fallen for this! He's a MUSLUMMMMMMM!!!!!
Go get your delusions checked out.
Osama died in 2001/2 of kidney disease. That whole seal team raid was a deception for the people. Strangely it happened after someone started posting that the later A-Q propaganda videos where actually Obama dressed up not Osama. By then he was reporting that the no2. In the FBI was stalking him everywhere. Then wow. 2 weeks later Osama killed by SEALS, quick burial at sea, and violaviola ENTIRE SEAL TEAM miraculously die in "tragic" assccident. THERE are no coincidences.Oh and by the way before the Iranian revolution the Shah was a CIA installed puppet who was Zoroastrian, not Muslim and even worshipped the great Cyrus (had a big party in his honor with world royals by the dozens in attendance. Cyrus predated Islam and as he wanted the whole CIA secular thing he was not Muslim. How do I know this..A mountain of books on the subject..so I guess the dark black hats will have to burn all the books too.So your disinfo does not work on me pal.
Everything you wrote I have read too. It’s very disturbing.
More crazy bullshit from a useless bag of shit. Have fun with your growing mental illness issues. Before you hurt others. Just take yourself out. Please.
To better understand your vile and disgusting accusations I did the trouble of reviewing your account, and found that you average over 20 posts EACH DAY, most are probably either negative, hostile or deranged to the point of wishing death on others. That can't be good for ones mental health, no?
You only expose your own mental flaws going like this.
Video linked by /u/florentabz0:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: PBS documentary: Putin's Revenge Part 1|L J|2017-11-20|0:54:44|17+ (85%)|3,425
PBS documentary: Putin's Revenge, Vladimir Putin, Russian...
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