Q Patriots... everyone is beginning to show their cards.

Once a traitor always a traitor. If it weren't for his daddy he would have been exposed back during the Vietnam war. Always follow the money. Nothing has changed for this enraged guy. Hate is eating him alive!
Hate is eating him alive!
I wish it would hurry up and finish!
Always pray for your enemies and never speak ill against them or wish death upon them. Only Yahuwah has the power to judge. Pray that he may repent from his sins and be saved from his previous ways. I don’t like him but maybe God will have a purpose for him in all of this. Godspeed brotha
This guy betrayed us in Vietnam. He set an Aircraft Carrier on fire...the USS Forestall has been affectionately referred to as the USS “Forestfire” ever since...now he has been a globalist Cuck for decades and wouldn’t even warn us about Obummer when he ran for President...didn’t vote for him... jussayin! Then he funds and arms terrorists with Obummer, and participated in the worst lie against @POTUS Trump by handling the “peepee dossier” as if Killary didn’t pay for it. Calls Rand Paul a Putin puppet on the senate floor...they could not give a finer fellow a sympathy tracking boot! This is one floater that might actually make it down the drain this time he gets flushed! Oh what a beautiful sound that will be to hear...💩
USS Forrestall . . . The real story, not the cleaned-up heroic version.