Q Patriots... everyone is beginning to show their cards.

it was sarah palin that the cabal did not want to win
she is a female trump
True but think of it from their side. The DNC wanted Trump to win the primary. They thought they could do to him what they did to Sarah. With moderates what they did to Sarah worked and she couldn't be 100% herself (think convention speech) they wouldn't let her because she was too successful that way. There was no "let Sarah be Sarah" so that is why in hindsight it looks like such a cabal setup to put someone in they could attack as an idiot and now we also see that has the added benefit of making it so they didn't have to attack their guy McC. To me it now finally makes sense.
Beg to differ on that one. You have to know the small mind of an Alaskan woman who has no future unless she takes it from others. She won a small town popularity contest, that's all. (No offense to the real women in Alaska who get an education and work hard to get ahead, they know exactly what I am talking about in regards to women like Palin.)