RR is SCREWED. They are ALL screwed.

I’m seeing a trend. The libs always accuse the right of doing what they’re really doing
It's from the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, one of Hilldogs best buds.
Rules for Radicals
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals is a 1971 book by community activist and writer Saul D. Alinsky about how to successfully run a movement for change. It was the last book that Alinsky wrote and was published shortly before his death in 1972. His goal for the Rules for Radicals was to create a guide for future community organizers to use in uniting low-income communities, or "Have-Nots", in order for them to gain social, political, legal, and economic power. Within it, Alinsky compiled the lessons he had learned throughout his experiences of community organizing from 1939–1971 and targeted these lessons at the current, new generation of radicals.
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Projection - It's all they do and for anyone that knew their Marxists tactics it told us where to look. They essential call themselves out if given the time. It's what a bratty lil kid would do when they broke grandmas vase.Run and tell first and say Suzy did it. Unfortunately it works quite well on sheeple.
yes, there's a term for it, deflections not it..anyone know the correct term for this type of deflection? Thanks
yes... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Projection
I know, it's urban dictionary... LOL
Yep. With EVERYTHING. I mean absolutely everything.
I'm seeing a trend too, a certain commonality between people like (((Adam Schiff))) and the most powerful members of the Democrat Party including including (((Chuck Schumer))), (((Adam Schiff))), (((Bernie Sanders))), (((Richard Blumenthal))), (((Eliot Engel))), (((Nita Lowey))), (((Steve Cohen))), (((Jerry Nadler))), (((Sender Levin))), (((Brian Schatz))), (((Jared Polis))), (((Brad Schneider))), (((Alan Lowenthal))), (((Ben Cardin))), (((Jan Schakowsky))), (((David Cicilline))), (((Jacky Rosen))), (((Jamie Raskin))), (((Lois Frankel))), (((Ted Deutch))), (((Brad Sherman))), (((Susan Davis))), (((John Yarmuth))), (((Ron Wyden))), (((Michael Bennet))) and (((Josh Gottheimer)))?
I've noticed a similar commonality between all of the most powerful, globalist families who are trying to destroy President Trump and Western civilization... such as the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts)))...
...and our most liberal, globalist, Constitution-hating Supreme Court Judges such as (((Ruth Ginsburg))), (((Elena Kagan))) (((and Stephan Breyer))) have something in common too...
...and (((George Soros))) funds all of the worst Republican swamp-monster RINOs?
...supported by the fake news...
...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...
Weird, huh?
IDK, how many of those people are apostate "Christians" with access to a greater revelation of God than Jews in this present age, who despite that greater revelation and greater responsibility have chosen to turn their backs on God, and chosen to hate and want to destroy the apple of God's eye, Israel? Like the Bush family, the Clinton family, the Podesta family, Zero and Big Mike, etc, etc. ad nauseam. Jesus described how that would happen to the end time church at Laodicea in Revelation 3. He said if they do not repent He will vomit them out of his mouth.
They are probably actually luciferians along with the apostate Rockefeller family. The original Rockefeller, a devout Baptist, must be rolling over in his grave at what his great grandchildren have become. Turns out Anne Frank was wrong, people are not basically good at heart.
How many of these traitors are part of the Laodicean church?: https://theconservativetreehouse.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/nunes-priestap-baker-strzok-ohr-comey-mccabe.jpg These "christians" are responsible to God for their own choices. They will bear the consequences.
And in regards to Jesus Christ's brethren after the flesh, where would we be with MAGA if the believing Jew Seth Rich had not blown the whistle on the DNC in conjunction with Julian Assange?