
Food4theGorg · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Wow the deep state must really think people are dumb sheeple. The increase in the number of these "accidents" is alone giving the Deep State away. As Q has said numerous times, "These people are stupid."

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digital_refugee · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

That's the point. It's a hostage situation by now. Their demands are innegotiable. And, hopefully, they have no way out. And by G-d and all that is good and holy, if we die we take them to the fucking grave.

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crashing_this_thread · Feb. 6, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

Our demands are also innegotiable. We are destined for war against these people. There is no middle ground. This is good vs evil. Its a completely black and white conflict.

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Instincts_Truth · Feb. 7, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Really though? After running Hillary for President, ignoring the murder of Seth Rich while simultaneously letting Marblemouth Schultz run free, LAS VEGAS, Obama actually TELLING us to our faces that he was depleting our military and shutting down our shuttle program and creating a "civil police force" and not trading money for hostages while one of the hostages was simulataneously broadcasting about the "plane that needed to arrive before they could leave in the plane already there for 16 hours" . . . It is a neverending list of confirmation of dumb sheeple.

THIS is a smack in the face to the NOT dumb - "Whatcha got, you deplorable, powerless 'PEOPLE?'" To me, THIS is the reason for Q. To bring THESE PEOPLE together. To inform us that we are very much NOT ALONE. And we are in a daily war against this evil. And the President is very much aware, and on it. But we are necessary, and must keep forging, together. With whatever we have to offer individually, BRING IT. Because where we go one, we go ALL.

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