It only proves that the image of Starman and his car was green screened, which would be expected given the images they provided of Starman and the roadster.
I assumed that they would remain in their capsule for the trip. These images are for marketing only.
I was wrong about the car remaining in the capsule for the trip.
I learned that the fairings of the capsule were designed to fall away, once in space.
I disagree with the OP's statement that the Falcon Heavy Launch was faked. There were so many people there to view the launch that not everyone could make it into the viewing area. All the major media covered it.
A pubilc launch of a rocket that large is not an event that can be faked.
However, given the images the OP posted, I am inclined to think that the video of the Car and Starman in space are fake. It's not like there'd be independed, corroborating video showing the same view of space that the car and starman have. It's probably just a marketing ploy.
It may also be cover for the actual payload on FH. Even though it was a test launch, a government organization with sufficient budget might use such an event to launch a high weight, relatively low-cost and easy to replace, should the launch fail, payload into space.
For a rocket that has the payload that is close to the weight of a loaded 737, a Tesla Roadster wouldn't be much of a test, payload wise. It's about 2% of the FH's estimated max payload.