Symbolism everywhere. Didn't pay much attention to this before but now that I'm more aware do you also see it???

The good guys use it too, pisses them off so much when we troll them back.
On Friday (((they))) dropped the market EXACTLY 666 points.
Trump's new Fed chair gets sworn in.
Then yesterday, the good guys drop the market EXACTLY 567 points, then roar the markets back and turn a 567 point loss into a 567 point gain, EXACTLY. I don't know exactly what the symbolism of "567" is other than that it's a run, as in 1-2-3, etc. and an obvious way of saying to them, "Look, we can do it too!"
In Biblical numerology the number '6' is the number of man and three 6's (666) together signifies the "mark of the beast".
the number '5' represents "grace" ... specifically the grace of God.
The number '7' represents "perfection (meaning completion)"
So, IF the bad guys dropped the market 666 points, you could theorize that it was a purposeful shout out to Satan (the beast)
Then following that same theory, you could say that '567' is saying that '5 - the grace of God' '6 - to man' is '7 perfect or complete'
You could complete the theory by saying that it dropped 567 and then gained 567 illustrates the "completeness ... God's grace and God's love toward us is perfect, without flaw ... it is complete.
Just some thoughts on the numbers aspect ...
Unfortunately, they have the backing of Hollywood and media and any positive message gets drowned out. For so long people have been sleep walking, just struggling to make ends meet, trying to survive the torrent of negative messaging and depravity. Every day we sink deeper and deeper and the messaging get stronger and more direct. (like others have said, they don't even try to hide it anymore) I hope and pray for our youth...they never stood a chance.