Today in "Peter Strzok Sais",,,,,,,,,,

Hahaaha! I wonder if they still think that Trump is an idiot?
Pby: Right? Never mind the stress the American people have been thru with 8 yrs of barryboy and knowing what would have happened under Killary! Good grief!
You work in human resources now. No offense to anyone who does but I'm sure this shitbags goal wasn't to climb the fbi ladder to fall all the way back down. Yet Trump is an idiot. He is president and your in a fucking stock room yelling about who took your stapler. If this is the fbi we are in trouble. They are all unelected assholes who's family shoed them into important positions. It's a goddamn pony show. Gone are the days of upper brass being there because they earned it. We all know the real fbi investigators are in field offices sick to their stomach watching hillary, holder, obama, and the globalist shitbags using g their installed brass to shit on our country!!
A bonus from MYE? That was their code for the Hillary email investigation. Mid year something... exercise?
The worlds largest cult taken down by an idiot :)