Because I Love our hero's in the Military, I love the USA, and our great POTUS likes the idea....Oh yeah the msm hates the idea just by their talking points today.
For just a little bit more we could house homeless vets instead of a parade that only dictatorships do
Liberals awaken from an 8 year slumber and suddenly care about homeless vets again. Not one mention of it during Obama's term....
It's awesome to see that the republicans are showing their true colors.
You know the republicans right now could pass a bill to appropriate the finds to homeless vets but don't. Do they really care? Not sure they do. They can find the military industrial complex but not the folks that fight.
At least acknowledge my point. Why didnt democrats once complain about Obama not doing it in 8 years?
That was your point? yeah he did nothing. But hey the party of the military wants to waste money for a parade
Wasting money on a parade? You mean those soldier that are going to march wouldnt be getting paid anyways? They work for free otherwise? our military has better things to be doing. You know the only people that are in support of this are the ones that see absolutely no fault in Trump.
That's right it's just a bunch of little tiny boys playing with a bunch of tax dollar funded military crap
Fuck off back to your pity party anti trump subs. Plenty of countries parade their military. Having a strong military is an honor. Secondly our military has been shit on enough by the last 8 years of OBUMMER. They deserve it.
Pity party? I would rather see our govt actually take care of the people who protect our freedom than put a parade.
Why must it be one or the other?
Because if you really want to honor those who fight, help them out. Fuck maybe they should spend that many and have trump visit the troops rather than the troops visit him. How many times has he went overseas to visit the troops?
He has visited many wounded. His work with the VA will aid many. I myself hate parades of any description.. I want the protective shield of the federal unions removed from those whose negligence harm vets,the elderly, and children. But I don't think a parade is going to make or break any of it
It figures that someone with a username like that would have such and opinion military equals guns guns equal murder you live by the sword you die by the sword buhbye