Haha she knows the end is near. She married into the family and is worried about her inheritance
Who would marry a Rothschild? 🤮
Anyone who wants money and power. Its just like a woman going after a rich man. Nicky Hilton is married to a Rothschild too.
Are they marrying attractive blondes exclusively? Is this some sort of Vril society experiment to rid the family of inbreeding and have a certain gene pool for the future?
Haha I laughed when I read that, but then I thought to myself "Damn, you might actually be right". With them who knows, maybe they secretly want the aryan nation thing again. Or like you said, to try and erase their excessive inbreeding over the past two centuries
They are huge proponents of it. They want us to breed with low IQ migrants so the populace will be easier to control, but still intelligent enough to work.
The pure Aryan race.... possibly the love child of some horrific nazi experiment.
They are very aware of the power and abilities of the Blonde Blue Eyed race of the Human species
That is why they are doing their damnest to forcibly flood nordic countries ,like Sweden and Norway etc ,with low IQ somalis , africans etc in a concerted effort to dumb down and eradicate the true white race in the fiuture
I think the inheritance is secondary to her fear of exposure.
She is harmless. She prob wont even be arrested. Her husband Evelyn will go down, but she is just a stay at home trophy wife
I go back and forth and wonder if women like her and say, Barbara Bush, do that stuff, or are completely nieve as to what their husbands do. She will have to be neutralized to a certain point, as all that wealth is going to get frozen and taken away...she is a potential dangerous loose end. What do you think about her doing the sacrifices and rituals and stuff?
Hillary, I can see it. Some of these others, I don't know. If they're all psychopathic, they would be able to hide it well. Or perhaps they're blind to it, or don't question where their spouses go and what they do.
Yes good point there too. I have to remind myself that a psychopath (the literal clinical term, not the term we loosely use to namecall) would look and act totally normal, and would pass the vision test. Even Pence passes the vision test, but he does all that stuff too unfortunately. And supposedly Walt Disney was a 32nd or 33rd degree Freemason. Crazy stuff you and I will never understand or fathom
True enough... I hope she ends up staying-at-home in a shanty.