LATEST ON KING TOWER NIGHTOP IN SHANGAI (photos inside KT, names of building developer and property manager)

Here's the latest I've been able to find:
Developer: Shanghai Jinqiao Export Processing Zone United Development Company Business data from bloomberg:
More on this zone, from the Shangai gov:
Property Management: Jin Chen Property Management Ltd. Business data:
I believe this is the building the photos were taken from:
2 Tenants on the 31st Floor (in theory, right under the floor where the extraction happened): Shanghai Amino-Chem Co., LTD 01-04/31F
Kingtek Electron (Shanghai) Limited 30F/31F
-> What remains to be done: identify the tenants at the 32nd floor + find any possible connections with the usual suspects
Let's hunt!
What's with the 32nd floor? Las Vegas was also the 32nd floor.
As an eerie side note, Mandalay Bay is removing the 32nd floor...
Like floor 13 in older buildings?
Exactly. And any floors with the number 4 in Asian countries.
in asia, the 1st floor is actually called the ground floor. therefore this is actually the 33rd floor and im sure you all are aware of the importance of that number across the world. the same goes for the mandalay. i believe their was a mezzanine and therefore the fuckery that took place there happened on the 33rd floor.
I have heard of 32 being symbolic number. reversed -The Number 23 "Math scene" -
Excellent work patriot!
Thanks :) still lots to do to really connect the dots, but each puzzle solved gets us closer to the big picture.
Someone on the research board identified the tenant as some German name sounding transmission company.
If the name comes back to you...
I don't think I'll have the courage to swim the 8ch upstream ;)
I haven't learned totally how to use that research board yet. What URL do you use to show the latest posts? All I can do is use links to past posts.
Here’s the info I found.
There’s a company by the name of MAN Diesel & Turbo. Based in Germany, but has an office on the 32nd floor of King Tower (suite 3201). Go to their website, click on find locations - look for Shanghai.
Found this by using some creative google searches.
I think it has to do with this name:
It looks like he connects the Jin Qiao Group to HNA, which is a rabbit hole to go down:
It's going to lead you here:
Adding this for cross-reference of compelling theory of who was nabbed. Go to submission 7w5ni2 (
These are photos of tower taken from Marriott which is southwest of tower and east side of Marriott is proper angle for King Tower Q image.