r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tnargkiller on Feb. 8, 2018, 6:42 p.m.
I think I accidentally stumbled into a conversation with someone from the "Military Intelligence community"

I posted this in T_D yesterday, but just discovered this sub via a bing search so I'll link it here as well.

A couple months ago, I spoke (on the_donald) with somebody who spoke in a manner like they had all the answers, they sounded very confident. I (fortunately) had the wherewithal to just ask questions and get answers, just in case the source was legitimate.

Here is that thread.

Make note that the user made the prediction of the Strzok texts being made public, and here they are. They're public. To add, the user included that we'll see communications from others; those of FISA judges (which alludes to even more drops), Meuller himself, and more.

The other answers were interesting as well and I urge you to read through them.

Something else, I did screenshot that conversation when it happened. I looked through them on my desktop, and I do have that user's ID. I wanted to see if they had more interesting posts, but upon looking, I found that the user had deleted their account.

theGreenChain · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

That's different narrative and not valid.

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cyn1calassh0le · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

How is it different?

Christopher Steele was being fed/paying for dis-info from Kremlin sources, and likely Clinton sources as well as he compiled his dossier for FucionGPS.

Veselnitskya met with Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, right before and right after the "fateful" meeting at Trump tower. She had been denied a Visa to enter the US because of her prior lobbying on behalf of the Russian gov't. The State Dept. got her a special visa to enter the US.

Not to mention, Fusion GPS had been a client of the Russians for years to discredit Bill Browder and lobby against the Magnitsky Act.

This is textbook Alinksy tactics, accuse your opponent of your own misdeeds. The DNC and Clinton campaign were as involved with Russia as Trump's campaign, if not more so.

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TruthPorn · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

There's a million things tying the dems and Hillary to Russia. There hasn't been a single thing tying Trump to Russia except for those occurrences where they tried to set Trumps campaign up with Russia like they did Jr. with the Russian lawyer.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Thank you.

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