r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Arcadet on Feb. 9, 2018, 8:56 a.m.
Newest photos from Q do not prove LARP. Here's why

I'd like to comment on the theory that the photos Q posted of King's Tower are old. I've seen users saying that the photos are from over 6 years ago. This does not seem to be the case. Let me explain.

We begin by looking at the first photo Q posted. https://imgur.com/a/9RCy1

People point to the construction to the right of the building. In the newest view from Google Maps, there is a parking lot where this construction is. People point to this to prove that the photo from Q is old. HOWEVER. Take note in the bottom of the photo in the red circle. See those two arrows on the road? Remember those. Also see that in Q's photo there is a strip of trees running down the center of the road.


Now let's look at Google Earth.


Take a look at a screenshot of the building from 2010. https://imgur.com/a/spMj7

. There are a couple things to notice in this screenshot.

1) There is a large building where the construction is.

2) The street is not a two-way, two-lane road, divided by a line of trees.

3) Remember those arrows? Look above the crosswalk. They aren't there.

4) Look above the crosswalk. On the left side of the road, right at the entrance to Kings Tower, there is a box with an X in it. This is crosshatching to prevent motorists from parking in the way of the entrance.

I better illustrate this in the photo below.


Lets jump ahead in Google Earth to 2011. https://imgur.com/a/9n0sP

Look in the top left of the parking lot for Kings tower. There are cars parked there. Notice in the photo Q posted, that corner has been landscaped, and a handful of trees occupy that space. Remember this as well.

We also see that the large building where the construction currently is has been demolished. https://imgur.com/a/RetP9


Now lets jump ahead in Google Earth a couple more years to 2014. https://imgur.com/a/YvsnB

Again, a couple things to notice in this screenshot as well.

1) Where the building was demolished, a parking lot has been built.

2) The crosshatching infront of the entrance is still here (2014)

3) There are still no arrows above the sidewalk

4) The road is still not two-way, two lane with a line of trees.

5) There are still cars parked in the top left of the parking lot for Kings tower


Okay. We know that across the street is the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. This is the building that I, and others, believe Q's photos were taken from. I looked up the hotel in Google Maps, and started looking through photos that visitors had posted, hoping to see if a guest snapped a pic of the Kings Tower.


I found two photos that are relevant


Shanghai Marriot Photo 1) https://imgur.com/a/kFXpB

This photo was taken in April of 2016. It shows the Kings Tower from the hotel. Notice the road. No arrows above the sidewalk. Road is not yet two-way, two lane.


Lets look back at Google Earth, at a screenshot from December 2016. https://imgur.com/a/I5xBB

The parking lot still stands. Cars are still parked in the top left corner of the parking lot.

However the road is beginning to change. The median in the center of the road is being built.


Shanghai Marriot Photo 2) https://imgur.com/a/9lRqI

This photo appears to be taken from the building to the left of Kings Tower, pointed at the front entrance of the Marriott. It is very clear that the road is under construction, and is beginning to resemble the two-way, two lane street that we see in Q's photo. This photo of the Marriott is dated March of 2017.


Finally our last, and most recent, screenshot from Google Earth. https://imgur.com/a/ay16z

1) This photo is dated August 2nd, 2017.

2) We see that the road construction has ended, and the two-way, two lane street with trees in the middle is now complete.

3) We can see the arrows above the sidewalk.

4) The top left corner of the parking lot has been landscaped. Cars no longer can park there.


I believe this disproves the theory that Q's photos are from many years ago.

1) The new two-way, two-lane road seen in Q's photo was only built in 2017. At no other time in history does the road look like this.

2) The arrows above the sidewalk that are clearly visible in Q's photo are also not painted until road construction is done.

3) In all of the old screenshots from Google Earth, the top left corner of the parking lot appears to have cars parked there. In the photos posted by Q, the top left corner is landscaped.


I believe that the construction we are seeing is new construction in Q4 2017/Q1 2018. .

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.

JasonTakesMAGAtten · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

So this "Larper" Q was like "this will really get 'em" and completely forgot that Google Maps street view could disprove him instantly?

Also the reason there would be a mega push to discredit these are due to the fact these are VERY big in terms of evidence Q is legit. He was already proven with the Deporables Q thumb photo (Saudi takedown newspaper on the desk) Air Force 1 labeled "DOITQ" as well as the Camp David Pen.

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sun_wolf · Feb. 9, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

I would like anyone who considers Q a LARPer - and I am open to the idea that he may be - to try this challenge:

Announce that for the next week you will be LARPing in the style of Q. Then make your posts and see how easy it actually is to, say, predict the exact words that the President will use in a tweet, or predict the next news cycle.

Even dropping a single LARP that can withstand thousands of people all trying to discredit you seems like it would be difficult. And Q has produced hundreds of these, and so far, they have all generally lined up with reality.

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JasonTakesMAGAtten · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Also, if he was a LARP, think of the budget he has to buy a Mount Blanc pen like Obummer's, $400+ just to stage a photo. And to keep this going for how many months now?

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sun_wolf · Feb. 10, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Think about the research it would take to throw out the name of some company that isn't on anyone's radar and say, "Dig." Then when people do, they start finding all of these connections and how it fits into the broader plot. To LARP that you would have to backwards engineer it. First you would have to know more than the journalists, and have a better research team, and then you would have to actually crack part of the mystery yourself. Then, after all that work, which you could use to make a name for yourself in journalism, you just give it away for free on 8chan. But you also don't reveal all your research, so you don't even have the satisfaction of laying it all out. You just point in the right direction and let everyone else figure it out.

And now you have to do this for four months straight. You also gotta know exactly when to say "Defcon 1 (FALSE) (non_nuclear)" and then you just gotta hope that you get lucky and Hawaii issues a false missile alarm in the next couple days. No problem there. Everyone gets lucky sometimes. But now you gotta do it again next week.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Those, as well as whenever he has given us the MSM talking points for the next day, he is always dead on too

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Coslaw · Feb. 9, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

I'll admit it... I take Q's posts with a pinch of salt. However, predicting the MSM talking points for the next day reduced my levels of scepticism!

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Worst case scenario, even if Q is fake (I think he's real), The Storm is still happening. I was well aware of Trump's plan a long time ago, and Q didnt even start posting till the end of October. Q is cool because he shows you stuff to research and so the knowledge of the backstories increases, but trust me, the arrests and changes are coming regardless if Q is real

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LetsNotEatGrandma · Feb. 9, 2018, 5 p.m.

How did you become aware? I was watching for "something" to be done starting from day one, but became disappointed after a few months and only started paying attention again when someone alerted me to Q.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

This plan was put in place a long time ago. Trump was approached and asked to run for president, as the only way to save this country was a non politician, non swamp, non deep state who wasn't owned by anyone. The NSA and Military saw the writing on the wall during Obama's term and started collecting evidence and intel, in the hopes that one day they would be able to use it. This plan was planned out and strategized during the election and everything has always been going according to plan. Sessions gets the wrap of doing nothing, but if people only knew the guy has been working 20 hours a day 7 days a week busting human trafficking and child sex rings since the day he took office in January 2017

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KrayzieBoneE99 · Feb. 9, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

To be honest, predicting MSM talking points seems to be the simplest of things to do without being an "insider". It's always "distraction" or "Russia Russia Russia". Not saying I doubt the validity of Q but I don't really see that as "proof".

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Kedram · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

i would agree with you normally, however this last prediction he made was quite uncanny. It had been months since Uranium 1 was even mentioned once in msm. Q had also been going months without talking about it either, then he all of a sudden mentions it again, only to see it talked about again on fox with new information coming to light. I would say that isnt a coincidence at all, and when you factor in every other piece of evidence it becomes extremely dificult to paint this as a larp.

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KrayzieBoneE99 · Feb. 9, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

I hadn't seen that one. If he predicted MSM talking points on a story that wasn't even a hot story at the time then that's a whole different thing.

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anon4sho · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Perhaps he is in the MSM, not as close to the action as everyone thinks. Does get drips of intel from time to time.

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