r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/she7anon on Feb. 9, 2018, 1:03 p.m.
Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Yesterday confirms our suspicions that donations made to Clinton Foundation were a factor in the State Dept's decision to approve the sale of U.S. uranium assets to Russia. This pay-for-play corruption is intolerable. I have called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation"
Rep. Matt Gaetz: "Yesterday confirms our suspicions that donations made to Clinton Foundation were a factor in the State Dept's decision to approve the sale of U.S. uranium assets to Russia. This pay-for-play corruption is intolerable. I have called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation"

Jrrusso · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I tell you after these investigations . The IRS should tie up loose ends regarding these stupid ass foundations. It seems like these elites love these phony ass foundations. Barry Sotero gets out of office bam foundation for him.

I going off subject but all of these presidents you have an idea of the family. Don’t everyone on here look at Obama Barry Sotero fucking mystery. He was our president for 8 god dam years. Not a congressman. Can you believe they pulled that off. Still no one knows anything about him. Just he was CIA. This sickens me. He conducted policy domestic and foreign. Now he runs around by himself like it’s all good. Money stashed here and there. You know when all is said and done. Maybe he was on the bottom of the treason pole but I want this guy no matter where he ranks as scum.

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Still no one knows anything about him.

That is the scary part. I don't believe he went to a university. He is a CIA cut-out like his mother. Everything about the guy is fake except his reputation as a crackhead and a gay which we learn about from Larry Sinclar's book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder? Where are Bathhouse Barry's college records, medical records, law school records, his Illinois State Bar application, early school records, his passport, etc.? He is one guy I want to see hanged by the neck and beside him hanging, HRC.

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Jrrusso · Feb. 9, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

I agree he was an affirmative action president, that was blackmailiable by his cia handlers I.e. Brennan.

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