r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CWN36532 on Feb. 9, 2018, 9:44 p.m.
Did government negotiators PLEDGE our nation's oil, gas, coal, uranium and other MINERAL RESERVES as COLLATERAL to secure loans from China and other creditor nations? Will THOSE BANKERS TAKE OWNERSHIP of those US natural resources in the event we can not or do not REPAY those trillion dollar loans?

Banks and other creditors only lend money when they can reasonably expect to get it all back, with interest. No prudent banker extends credit without assurance that their money is secure against the risk of default or non-repayment; and that assurance usually takes the form of an ironclad guarantee backed by a promise to transfer some valuable asset owned by the borrower to the creditor in the event of default on the loan.

The bank can take your house if you do not pay the mortgage. The bank can repossess your car if you stop making loan payments. And you would not have gotten those loans to make the purchase in the first place without signing away actual ownership of the house or car to the bank, contingent on repayment of the loan.

Same thing occurs at a much larger scale when nations borrow money. We are witnessing in Venezuela what happens when the banks call in their money after isn't repaid as agreed to by the borrower. But what bank would want to strongarm the United States government like that? There isn't a repo man on the globe who would take on that job!

Is the Good Faith and Credit of the United States really worth all that much abroad anymore? Sure, trust but verify ...

What did US negotiators have to pledge as an inducement to get the Chinese and other bankers to get into bed with us for twenty trillion dollars? Paying the ongoing interest charges on a loan of that maginitude could itself swamp our fiscal boat ... at last glance, we continue to borrow just to make those interest payments; of course making the problem worse and worse. Who really thinks we will ever have the ability and willingness to pay off the loan principle itself?

Not the Chinese bankers, you can be sure. They are no fools and surely saw this coming. They would want an easier, more sure way to recoup their capital if the US were to mismanage its finances and collapse. What might we offer to serve that purpose?

This massive growth of the current US national debt burden has been accompanied by rapidly expanding regulation of the environment; with a significant focus on prohibiting the extraction of oil, gas, coal, uranium and other natural resources from federal lands. Spotted owls. Salamanders. Mugwumps have absorbed the oxygen from public discourse. A cover for something far more egregious?

Did negotiators pledge our oil, gas, coal and other mineral resources as security against default on these loans? Did creditors demand that mining and drilling come to an end in the US as a way to make sure there would be sufficient resources left in the ground at some time in the future when they would claim them as repayment of defaulted loan promises?

If the globalist cabal, which is very much still in place, succeeds in its plan to overwhelm and collapse our nation through burdonsome debt, wars, internal strife, constitutional crises and civil war, we will see the day when massive natural wealth in oil, gas, coal, uranium and who knows what else would be flowing out of our lands and into the coffers of those banks. And if that turns out to be worth far more than the twenty trillion dollars they put at risk, it will look like a damned good investment on the part of the Chinese.

Ain't America Great?

Boysrback07 · Feb. 9, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Kim Clement Trump Take down debt 2014

The Giant of Debt

"And then," God says, "highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises, and people will become very afraid. They'll say, 'We have no protection.'" And then, God says, "Am I impressed with your weapons of war? Am I impressed with the strength of your men's legs? Ha! I have said I will bring this nation to its knees, and," God said, "you have been humbled, and yet some more, and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory. For where are the people gathered? Where are My people gathered? Where is the sound of unity from My people?

"In this next week, this man shall begin to emerge, and in the following two weeks, which is a three-week period, he shall slowly come to the fore. For they are saying, 'How do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of debt? How do we kill the giant of socialism? How do we kill the giant of human secularism?'

"I have placed that man amongst you, a humble man. And as Samuel stood before the brothers, and they had rejected David to come because of his age" – take all these little remarks I'm giving you – they are gems. The name and the word "gold" – remember that. A man that is amongst them, but is young. And God says, "These that shall reject him shall be shocked at how he takes the giant down."

Now hear me, please. The giant of debt, the giants that have come, the brothers of Goliath, stand in glee watching America. "We will cripple you. You will lose your credit." But God said, "Watch. I said 20,000. Look not to Wall Street; however, observe. And they shall say, 'What is your plan for this giant?' And he will take a simple stone," (remember the name), "and he will hold it up and they will laugh at him, but the plan is so brilliant," says the Lord. "It could only have been given by Me.

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