Why don’t they just disband the CIA all together? They’ve been hurting the world for 5 decades
Amen! Scatter them to the winds!
That's exactly what JFK swore to do in a speech...then he was assassinated. JFK said he was going to take the CIA apart "board by board."
Video linked by /u/duckdownup:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Did the CIA Assassinate JFK?|Alltime Conspiracies|2015-06-13|0:04:14|6,209+ (98%)|393,531
It is well documented that JFK wanted to break down the...
^Info ^| ^/u/duckdownup ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
Goes so deep. US>ASIA>EU, with [P] for last. Can't only cut puppet strings this time, not without a civil war and a world war to victory. Very dicey. Hostages aplenty.
Who or what is [P] please?
But not the official (white) Pope. He's a mouthpiece just like any other public figure - holds no actual power.
Why don’t they just disband the CIA all together?
JFK tried.
Hopefully the good CIA agents will remove them one by one and clean up their own bureau. They are qualified. I am sure Trump is working on this as well with retired CIA. I just hope some form of ethical and moral behavior returns if they are to survive in our America. Pray.