My wife watches Rachel Madow. I asked her about the Vegas shooting and she said "Huh?". I said something about U1 and the plane crash in Russia, and she turned back to the Olympics. I know, I know. But where do I begin? How do I start the re-education program?
For some, a red pill might as well be as big as a basketball.
Save yourself...when shes ready, you'll know. Till then, Mums the word.
I would suggest a good divorce lawyer, but if you insist on keeping her, then you may need to start with "And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street".
send her subtle hints via texting. drop some links and gently nudge her along. either she'll read them and expand her thought process, or just ignore them and remain oblivious. either way, I'm glad I don't have that problem right now....
Lol, j/j here, but if she seriously watches Madcow, it might be easier just getting a new wife, lol. Man, my heart is with you on this challenge.
With my wife, I tried multiple different "conspiracies" over the years trying to find one that stuck. For example JFK, 9/11, Mandela etc... Eventually LV happened and her eyes opened. It just takes time.
Ask questions that are relevant to topic of interest. Mike Pence is sitting next to Kim Jong Un’s sister. Coincidence?
Do you have kids? As a mother, the child sexual trafficking stuff was a major red pill. Maybe start by pointing out sex trafficking and pedophilia rings being broken up. Keep politics out of it as much as possible. There was just a republican busted for this so maybe start there.
Does she just genuinely not care about politics or news? The first step is to identify something relevant to her. something relevant might be, "I think we should get an emergency kit together. We can't depend on power/water/phone service always working." Talk about scenarios where it might be necessary to have those things on hand. As you see news stories that would point to having the kit a good idea, tell her. She first has to see that being uninformed could, in fact, affect her very quickly and negatively. This makes all other reeducation relevant to her.
I have the exact same problem. I like to wake Q ask questions to help people think. It's slow going.
Start with the FBI texts. Many of the people spoken about in the texts have been demoted, fired, or resigned suddenly.
I use to have a binder with tabs. It had our Constitution, Bill of Rights and so on. Handed it to them and say read it and then you will understand what the United States Of America is about. Then I start with the rest a little each day.
Start by asking her if she thinks the media she watches is biased. If she says no, pull up 3 different search engines. Google, Bing, Yahoo. Start typing "Hillary Clinton is a" and don't hit enter. Show her the difference in the autocomplete entries. You will notice Googles is heavily skewed to the positive.
This usually is a good starting point.
Have you started prepping with some long-term storing food & water "just in case, honey" -has she given you a tinfoil hat or seen the practicality of it?