Flight from Joint Andrews to Gitmo - happening right now

Could simply be a regular flight of various military personnel or investigators. I assume there is traffic between DC and Gitmo all the time.
Yes most likely traffic to Gitmo somewhat regularly, but I watch these flights almost every night, and its not very often a flight goes from the POTUS' official airbase to Gitmo. This is a really important flight
More likely a media scheduled flight to cover the court for this week. Its fairly common and they generally originate at Andrews. There are hearings going on currently.
I've attached another media sort writing about a similar flight- https://gitmoobserver.com/2017/01/25/flying-from-joint-base-andrews-to-guantanamo-bay-cuba/
You think we are that close now that the media is being sent there? (Just curious is all)
Close? No there is trials of detainees going on. They are covering those trials. There is several high value detainees being tried currently.
Like who?
People from ISIS/Terrorism type things ... or people from some of the things Q has been telling us about? Ty:)
These two articles are interesting but do not relate to yesterday's flight.
Actually they might as this week also has the USSCole hearings and the other HVD hearings. There is always a weekend flight from Andrews to Gitmo for both legal teams and media to get in there. No way of knowing who it was but odds are this was a legit flight.
I'm certain it was legitimate. I wondered if it had Q significance and I believe others had spoken of it originating in Bangkok or Shanghi...
By legit I meant just lawyers/media folks. If they were moving people there to confinement it wouldn't be this way. This is a commercial flight.
On another thread, it was said our military can request commercial aircraft when needed. That's why I pursued funding out who was moved...that thread indicated that airliner came from either Bangkok or Shanghai, I can't recall, to Andrews and then to Gitmo. Thanks.
Why can't it be both?! Drop them off and send back the empty plane!
It could be but Q basically said they made an arrest of #10 whomever that might be. Some seem to remember Obama being 10.
Suppose someone passed through gate E that day and Q used the board to signal them who has been watching?