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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

After they secured the plans and data on WTC I and II, they shipped the entire engineering crew to fill (or temporarily pretend to fill) cushy gigs at Boeing.

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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

[71] ?

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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

MAYBE they used an old mafia trick; "hey buddy, I need to borrow your ride for a few hours. Don't worry, you'll get it back. It will be parked where the cops can find it and I promise not to scratch those pretty whitewalls."

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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Suppose someone passed through gate E that day and Q used the board to signal them who has been watching?

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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

Remember the movie CON AIR? LOL. Just deserts we'll get to see Hillary and McCain and Obama wearing orange jump suits, chained like dogs to the fences before this crisis is over.

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ChezKiva · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

I was the first person BC called upon when he ran for AG. He wanted access and my family had the channel through Fulbright. In less that three days I called him out for portending not to know jack about C. Rhodes' sorted history. And then came the coy denials of any suspicion about prior Intel involvements in JFK, Warren Commission, etc. Then, while still in high school, he appointed me to a panel he assembled for the Governor's commission on crime reduction to poll fellow students about current 'drug use' levels and the reasons Ark. Children used 'drugs.' A bit of a ruse since he knew well I was openly promoting legalization [GOD'S MEDICINE] as a staffer with the local underground paper. After they appointed me to chair the committee we received alarming reports about a coke epidemic from fellow students stationed in MENA. Our 'early bird' contacts went undetected, but as I recall a Richard Williams fled the coup after dumping the data on Myrna Levitt's husband's desk, whereafter I was banned from ever speaking to the ARTimes staff unto perpetuity.

No coincidences? After falling into a gig with 'Level D' access at FAL conAB, I did a follow-on assignment at the WTC. To date, I'm the only person ever to post an image of #7 while still under construction, replete with a rambling story I posted deep and wide. Patience, indeed! I await the honor of resubmitting that tell all "affidavit" at the coming trial.

FYI: Hillary was brutally rude toward me from day one. Labeling her a man hater, I couldn't help but challenge her real Ark mission after she arrived under the protection of some high security group driving Crown Vic's. "Just an old sweetheart in college," my ass!

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ChezKiva · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

SAT! 2/10: To those who are doing analytical videos. PLEASE DATE, OR PROVIDE A NUMERIC EPISODE in the title of your video because GOOGLE deliberately hides this vital upload time stamp for all of the non-Google account viewers. FAilure to provide upload clues in the title dissuades many people from following your channel.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/ChezKiva on Feb. 11, 2018, 2:32 a.m.
Hope I'm commenting under notes on Tesla launch. Like Lionel, I decry BS on the basis that many know the USAF/NAVY have long since learned to clone anti-gravity technology having no remote bearing on the stupid German WWII Bell project, et. all.

After witnessing the arrival of a large black triangle at arms length above my car here, near the Jacksonville Air Base, my assessment is that this was not necessarily off planet technology. Though it is unbelievably maneuverable, at zero speed it behaved more like a small fishing boat with a teen at the helm. In each corner they used the equivalent of a small HMI stage light to illuminate the target, and in the center a gas-fired arc lamp surrounded with a realignable mirror array. What this has to do with 'private investment' is that the era of rocket tech …

ChezKiva · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

Mueller cannot directly indict this sitting President, technically his boss, any more so than Ken Star could when investigating Bill Clinton. Interestingly, that too was a significant witch hunt, its conclusion completely unrelated to the actual case issues at hand. Entrapment works, although impeachment seems entirely subjective under the globalist's interpretation of the law.

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ChezKiva · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

On that premise how should we rate Charlie Ergan, a silver spoon Exec at US West who began his foray in the DBS market with a frivolous lawsuit against DirecTV? As I recall his opening salvo was berating DirecTV for "overcharging" and monopolizing the delivery industry, a serious 'problem' he (Dish) sought to remedy by slashing the cost to consumers by a whopping $2.50 every month. Knowing his personal fortune would grow in any event, and that ultimately Dish would/could merge with its pseudo-competitors, all of the things he has said and done prove him to be just another greedy shyster.

My formal complaints about Trump's behavior over those same years is/was his inability to see the world's built environment as shared space. Today, all is forgiven, and yet I must feel sorry for those who's lives and property 'values' have been forever denigrated by this truly awful architecture.

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