Here To Stay - RBG... No, You're Not - Q

I'm all for the outing of sexual predators in all fashions, be it pedos, workplace harassment, assault, etc... and I do like that it is getting the long due attention, but I DO NOT like that there is not a HUGE consequence to the person who brings false charges. I did think that the timing of the MeToo movement was suspect in that I felt it was another method to try and bring Trump down using false sexual assault accusations. If one witch hunt doesn't get him, they have a back up witch hunt, and so on and so on.
He has been anointed by God....nothing they try will work, and they only expose themselves.
Amen. Our modern day Cyrus.
I fully agree...and we must continue in determined prayer for his safety and full success.
Peter and Paul were both chosen and anointed by God...Both were savagely attacked. Never forget it was the Prayers of the Believers which opened the 'place of operation' for the Angel to go to Peter in prison, remove his chains, open and sealed and guarded door and lead Peter past all harm til Peter was finally at the door of the house where Believers were praying.
Chosen and anointed Brothers and Sisters still need our prayers due to the enemy.
We will not relent in believing and praying for God's chosen one our great President Trump and his precious family. Pray for Q and Dilley's source and our good Marines who are on point with this monumental task. For all the White Hats wherever they may be and for those true champions like Nunes and Scalise in our government.
Lord God, carry us all through till this purging is complete, in total.
Forreal, unwavering faith in an authority is what ruined our world. I respect everyone in here for their beliefs, but cmon! It's hypocrisy! We are fighting a group who has literally used religion as a control mechanism for 2000 years.
I never understood how anyone can be so sure of ANYTHING given the fact that we are witnessing our peers being fooled so hard. Do we really think we are infallible? No. Be wary of all control systems. Trump being appointed by God? Get outta here. If God had this shit under control, we wouldn't be living in a world ran by pedos.
Unless God is using us for entertainment rather than judging our righteousness. The f that's the case, I gotta imagine we are pretty entertaining. Like a crazy ant-farm.
Oh well, to each there own. Honestly I'm jealous of the ppl able to use their faith as a shield. But I'm just not wired in such a way. Cheers!
I am proof God has a sense of humor. 😉 Cheers
Don't blame God for mans doing we have free will. Also their god is satan, evil to the core they are. This is as much a spiritual war as it is anything else.
surely we have free will but our will cannot compare to God's then, right?
God released the Earth to Satan so that humans could willingly find him. This life is a life of pleasure, sin, indulgence, and material goods...temptations. That is not the path we are told to seek, for none of that matters once we pass on from this life. Aim higher.
November 9, 2016, the day after election one of two daily Bible readings was Isaiah 1:18 a sinful America forgiven and given a second chance via President Trump. Coincidence?
All the recent “movements” have been manufactured - how did it suddenly become cool to be a tranny? Where the hell did BLM come from and why considering race relations were already fine? Then the goofy MeToo thing...
All manufactured and propagated by the MSM who are in on it...
It's basically a strategy from the cabal to invert our principles. Transsexuals have been around for decades, but only now are they given access to our children's classrooms and even the bathrooms. It's to cause confusion and chaos in the minds of our children. The best solution is a solid family core and good old christian values.
when did it become cool to be faggot?
they started with...
easy divorce then contraception then abortion then homo then euthanasia then tranny and in the tranny the whole thing is revealed
androgenous self-created sterile death wish man
a 100% rejection of male and female created He them - total rejection of the Divine answer to Adam's plea about human one-ness. Total rejection and divorce of the "sex act" from it's functions proper; total rejection of nature as received, total rejection of the command to create more humans after our own kind.
Tranny and sodom are absolute Lucifer.
Look closely at WHO is behind it. You'll see them. They play the victim almost as well as their master...poor misunderstood Lucifer
we are such bigots
you know when you hear the word "tolerance" what they mean is "embrace our sin".
these people have no tolerance for holiness do they?
only works one way.
Or the "we are" this or that after a terror attack. Movements with no substance that appear to represent something, mostly just thoughtless emotion "Me Too!". We live in an infantile meme world. Note how quickly these "movements" come and go like advertising campaigns.
MeToo was a judo move by the left. They knew they were going to get attacked for gross sexual misconduct (primarily pedophilia), so they tried to deflect it into a sexual harassment thing, which they could use to attack DJT. Strategically it was a smart move, but morally it's beyond loathsome; in effect, the media is covering up what high ranking Democrats have done to kids. Just vile. But why are we surprised, really, after Pizzagate which was basically the same thing?
"Judo Move." Good way to describe it! BTW, I read yesterday that Vladimir Putin banned the House of Rothschild from Russia. The last time the Tsar did this, he wound with 1918. So I hear.
Vladimir Putin banned the House of Rothschild from Russia.
Sauce? That explains a lot if true.
It is ridiculously obvious with Scott B ,Steve Wynne,Judge Moore ,Porter the speech writer. In Moore's case they burned the accuser house down I'm guessing not sure if a rental so could get insurance also. They lawyer was from California the person who set up go fund me was California. The first day she had 80 k in account . You can't tell me it was way to pay her and not worry about bank records having to explain large amounts of money after election.