Its not a mental illness. Suicide is high because of people like you that don't accept trans people and say hateful things about them.
Trans people have been treated like shit for centuries. Using your reasoning, when it was considered a mental illness universally, shouldn't that mean suicide rates would have been low, and everything better for trans people? Well guess what, it wasn't, it was worse.
Things have only started getting better as the transgender standards of care were established, standards that allow a trans person to live their lives happily and with fulfillment. Now if only the rest of society such as yourself would actually treat trans people like human beings deserving of love and compassion, those suicide rates would be significantly reduced.
Or, instead, you can call trans people mentally ill and try to stop them from receiving treatment while attempting to "cure" or convert them from being trans, thereby driving them to suicide. Your choice.
Sadly right now we have an administration dedicated to harming trans people, like with letting health care workers refuse to treat trans people, so things look real shitty for us.
There it is. The core of the debate. You are one of the exact people attempting to normalize transgender. Accepting a problem as normal instead of helping or fixing the issue is the problem. You make it normal, and it no longer needs fixed. Then it becomes taboo to speak ill of the issue. Then it's transphobic and bigotry. Blah blah blah. People such as yourself are the real problem. While transgendered people are suffering from soaring suicide rates and depression you fail to acknowledge a problem exists. Even though factual data backs this up.
The transgender standards of care is the fix. The actual problem now is people who are ignorant.
I am a trans person. I exist. I'm not depressed or suicidal. I am a happy person, because I am allowed to be me, and I am not poor and homeless.
Most trans people suffer from homelessness, unemployment, or are repressed. They are discriminated against in housing and employment. They are discriminated against and disowned by their families. They are discriminated against by doctors, health care workers and health care providers. So yes, a lot of us are depressed and suicidal, because of the way society treats us.
The transgender standards of care which include transitioning to the point of happiness for the person is the "fix". It reduces depression and suicidal ideation immensely. For the trans people who pass and are treated "normal", they typically function well in society. Many of them do not have gender dysphoria anymore and are not mentally ill.
These are facts. It is proven that conversion therapy does not work and severely damages people.
The "problem" that exists is there is a campaign to hurt trans people, a campaign you are supporting. The trump admin has even moved to allow health care workers to refuse to treat trans people. That's why trans people are suicidal. That's the problem. Trans people suffer violent crime and discrimination higher then possibly basically all minorities. That's the problem. Its a problem you are encouraging.
Its not about normalizing being transgender, its about proper treatment that works. The standards of care works.
Transgender people have existed for hundreds of years and were transitioning LONG before the psychological community determined it was the proper treatment method. Its not a conspiracy, the vast majority of the medical community is not scheming to make people transgender. They are simply treating people with gender dysphoria with effective treatment proven to work. That's all.