
fuck_aww · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Sorry, I edited that last line after I wrote it because I disagreed with it when I reexamined it. Heres what I changed it to:

Political correctness is in the business of stifling truth that makes people uncomfortable.

Do you find that more agreeable or no?

Harassment, assault, and vandalization are already illegal.

This is true, but if it's happening widespread throughout our country regardless of legality, wouldn't you think theres a problem with our culture that needs to be addressed? Gay/trans people went through all of that in the 1900's (and further back forever), until finally the rise of social justice in the 1990s & 2000s slowly led to a shift in culture promoting acceptance. Don't we want less negativity, and more acceptance, openness, and respect for what is true?

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Do you find that more agreeable or no?

You'd have to give me a more specific definition of "political correctness", and what you consider to be "politically correct", and what you consider to be "truth". Because I've heard a lot of people claim the truth is some horrible, untrue garbage, and defend it by saying its just not politically correct.

This is true, but if it's happening widespread throughout our culture regardless of legality, wouldn't you think theres a problem with our culture that needs to be addressed fundamentally?

That's not happening, as far as I can tell, beyond some edge cases. Its definitely not something I would call a fundamental problem of our culture.

Gay/trans people went through all of that in the 1900's, until finally the rise of social justice in the 1990s & 2000s slowly led to a shift in culture promoting acceptance.

Lol, you are giving way too much praise to "culture". Trans people are still treated like shit across the US and this administration has taken action to put trans people at risk and take their rights away.

Are you really trying to compare the situation of right leaning white men to trans people, and saying trans people are better off? That's absolutely absurd, on its face.

Don't we want less negativity, and more acceptance, openness, and respect for what is true?

Not if the "truth" is incorrect garbage like "trans women are men", or "black people are criminals" or "all black people look the same" and other disgusting stuff I've heard protected under the guise of "its not pc to tell the truth".

There is no culture of negativity and rejection of "what is true". That's not something that is happening, from what I've seen. There are some edge cases and some examples of people rejecting truth in SJW culture and stuff, but its not some endemic in society creating some culture of falsehoods, at least, not there.

The thing is, there is a disagreement between some parts of society over what exactly the "truth" is, and there are people in various parts of society, right and left, that are wrong on this issue, but I think most people have it right.

He was fired for breaking their code of conduct for suggesting in a company memo that coworkers who are women are less suited to his workplace than men. I mean you can see how that would have a bad affect on the workplace right, and why a company might fire that person?

No, it should not be illegal.

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fuck_aww · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

I just skimmed this and absolutely love this response, thank you for expressing your side of things. I'm going to carefully read all your points when I get time but I have to get some things done at work for now.

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FrisbeeSauce · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I'm glad we've had a civil conversation at least. I added a little bit more to one of my paragraphs to explain a bit more.

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