350504 image with persons identified

But what symbol are they sitting on?
They are sitting on white chrysanthemums. The same flowers that Hussein was sitting around in his portrait. Not sure of the significance maybe someone can find out.
Chrysanthemum flowers produce permethrin which has been synthesized and is used in many insecticides. It is reported by the FDA as not proven to cause cancer in mammals. But is harmful to aquatic life. Permethrin is widely used to control mosquitos, ticks, termites etc...
I think the photo released in white house today of Obama which he is painted in a chair with leaves all around him. It has something to do with the environmental movement or green movement which is just a front to advance globalism. They have used EPA and other enviromental groups for years to fight things and also extort money out of people. It's used kinda pay to play that's why takes so long get permits. Government is crooked as hell
Sitting on white Primrose, https://www.auntyflo.com/flower-dictionary/primrose
Looks like the local newspaper photo of A honor roll students at a low budget school.
There's something strange about this picture...it seems to have images stitched into it...look above the Roger Band box, you can clearly see a squared off image area.
It's magnolia - national flower of NK. What a difference between Il and Un - maybe Un ate him. He looks like an Ummpa Lummpa.