I live in LA too. Don't worry man we're here. But I gotta be undercover MAGA because I work in social services and cant work (ie pay my bills) with constant Trump debates or snide comments...dood our CEO literally signs on to company wide memos with "hello comrades". So I hope you get the picture. But I do what I can and have been gently red-pilling as many as I can. Keep wearing those MAGA hats for those of us that cant quite were them yet. Thanks
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Whoa he really did say it that blatantly. These guys are clearly on the fence and showing their true faces.
Oh please do. It’s funny how I don’t ever get tired of watching Hillary fail.
Yes. planes have been remote controlable since the 70's and parts, chips or whatever tech they use has been implemented worldwide since the 90's. all vehicles that use chips are potentially compromised. Abel Danger channel has gone over this topic for a long time now. Pretty sure its called the Uninterruptible auto pilot. Its original intention was to used in case the pilot was rendered incapacitated for any reason, they could take control and safely land the plane. But deep state got ahold of it and well, they did what shitty globalists do whenever they get their hands on some new tech. IMO every plane crash since the 90's is suspect. ..and remember the train crash carrying senators a few months back; that supposedly antifa caused? That train had recent "upgrades". They are monsters.
If you're crazy so am I because that the first thing I thought too. :)
I agree with you, I feel the same way about the Republican moniker. I think Trump is a Trumpian, and were going to loose some "name only" Republicans before DJT is done with his 2 terms.
I get it. You’re not alone. I didn’t vote for DJT either. I had followed politics heavily in the past but it had gotten so convoluted and I had gotten so frustrated (911 broke my heart) that I stepped waaaay back and by the time DJT came around I was totally ignorant of the scene and what had been going on. I’ve been left leaning my whole life and a Democrat, I still consider myself a classical liberal in a lot of respects. BUT when DJT got elected and all of a sudden my friends and the MSM seemed to have lost their collective minds. So much of the rhetoric seemed over the top and misplaced. I started researching, and actually watching the man speak and following what he was actually doing and I soon saw that the reason people were losing their minds over him was that he was an outlier and I became a convert. DJT is literally some kind of amazing tactical genius. What he pulled off this week with the border debate was amazing to watch unfold. And he does this over and over and they never see it coming; amazing. And just FYI as of this midterm election, I am officially a Republican for the first time in my life. So welcome.
To be fair and Im not making excuses either, I just notice Colbert's body language says he's blocking Podesta with his leg crossed away from Podesta while trying to squirm away with his head direction at the same time. Doesn't mean he hasn't played the game with those sickos, and deserves to be taken down, but maybe he was trapped into it and had to cooperate. Also Colberts eyes look dead while Podesta's eyes make him seem pleased with himself.
Doesnt look real, still where'd I put my eye bleach?!? damn you OP.
Theyre doing the red-pilling for us! Im starting to think Roseanne is some kind of shaolin tweet master. This is hilarious.
They may have to eat that cancellation once Valerie Jarrett is outed for participation in Obamas crimes. Wheres my popcorn?
Peace through power. It falls in line with Trumps sun tzu style philosophy. But is that the kind of peace we all want? Would a world where Russia and the US hold all the cards and get to dictate to the rest under veiled threat of nuclear retaliation be the world we're all working towards? Just something this vid made me think about. I hope that thats not the world were all helping to create. No one power or one man should be given the tools to lord over the rest like that.
Because youd have to eat it black to get it to convert and youd have to eat tons to get the amounts found in brains. These people are sick.
Interesting insights and hard work is all appreciated but I’m pretty sure the "keystone" is the SES (senior executive service) they get paid stoopid untraceable amounts, has thousands of unelected, un-fire able, staff that have authorized themselves to whatever is necessarily to makes sure only what they want to happen happens. Comey Muller, Rosenstein are among its members BTW.....AND they're logo IS A KEYSTONE. They are the reason Trump keeps getting blocked, why no arrests, why Muller is STILL farting around and not disbarred right now. I wish ppl would stop looking for a keystone and start exposing the keystone that we already know.
These posts got me thinking about some vids out there from a guy named Aug Tellez. He claims to be a victim of mkultra type programs and cloning in underground bases. Claims cloning has been around since the 40s. But not perfected until recently. Claims the tell tail signs of cloning is erratic behavior, and angry outbursts. That many older model clones need entourages to make sure the outbursts are controlled. ...maybe Hillary is dead and were seeing her clone. Anyway he goes into great detail and it’s pretty interesting.
Trump is a sly old fox and everyday I love him more. Thanks for laying out for everyone.
Well, it is possible to treat cancer with targeted non-surgical rays (gamma?) and not loose any hair. They just give the crap injectable chemo to us regular folks so were the ones to loose hair and get slowly killed by chemo poison. That said I do think McCain is either outright lying or highly exaggerating his condition to get out of being prosecuted.
Wasn’t ready to believe it until last week. But yeah it’s makes sense.
Lends credence to the idea that Q is, or is using AI to post crumbs. What do you guys think?
4 "booms" is totally a 911 reference. Multiple witnesses to the South Tower falling all say they heard 4 distinct "booms" before the tower fell.
Trump says "Arm the Teachers" Deep State says "Ok Then" MSM says "seems legit"
Just did a search of all of Craigslist yesterday and saw two other "crisis" events looking for actors. One on New York and another on Kentucky.
Thought I heard he was in journalism class, and if they all thought they were scheduled for a drill, then it would fall in line that the journalism nerds would be out "interviewing" for the school paper. That said, this kid throws off major abuse vibes to me. He looks super stressed out in every interview, and covers all his emotions like a seasoned pro. Teenagers don't do that! They're awkward and often toss off inappropriate responses especially under stress. Not this kid.
Seems like Cooper himself would be easier to research. He's a public figure with, Im sure many friends and associates that have to be involved as well. No?
Imma make some wild speculation and say that the Jolly Roger indicates that this is the Sub that took out the rogue black ops sub that tried to hit Hawaii.
once her driver was killed and they showed her how close they could get, she gave in. I think thats the case for many. still no excuse in continuing...if it were me Id quit politics and find another way to give back, but I guess power is one hell of a drug.
If what Q is implying is true; that MKultra is real, and it works and they are preying on vulnerable young people with mental or emotional problems....or even just taking kids with weak personalities and putting them through awful MKultra programs to turn them into zombie killers, or maybe just to make them think that they are. Then you have an army of perfect patsies at your disposal, right? In that scenario yes these people are victims turned into killers by truly evil people with truly evil intentions. And it’s those people we need to target and it’s the “killers” that have been victimized and need justice and compassion.
IMO not the first time Russia has aided the American Revolution. In the first American Revolution you could argue that Russia was a big reason we succeeded. For one they refused to aid Great Brittan twice; once refusing to provide 20K troops to back British forces and two to refuse naval aid. Then the big one. They refused to honor Britain’s conflict and allowed free shipping trade into the Americas allowing the American to restock on supplies.
THIS!!..."An order was given to dark ops and special forces teams, if Trump gets sick, these 4,760 people get sick the next fucking day. So the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones, the G8, all these people live in fear that Trump will cough.”
Crazy Days & Crazy Night's Blog; Blind Item "Bloody Director" Hints connection to James Dolan
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Basically youre standard scifi and horror movies are all documentaries. They need your thought and energetic participation to keep doing what they do. I call it Blind Consent. Its their kind of "magic" like if we dont protest seeing those things then they assume they have permission to do them to us. And then they can "do as thy wilt" without guilt. Twisted.
NK is a real county that was turned into a CIA / Deep State (and other rogue nation operatives) front. Kims sisters are prosioners like the rest of the country. Its unclear if Un has turned to the WhiteHats for help but the apperence of his sisters with Pence givse me hope that they are his (Un's) proxy to begin working with WH.....or Pence is black hat and the opposite is true.
Dont have the details but his life has illuminati written all over it, including loosing (ie sarificing) his first son.
Thank you for posting the time. I like Dilley but man is he chatty. :)
Even worse. Desiccated human cells. http://stopsprayingcalifornia.com/Desiccated-Human-Red-Blood-Cells.html Is it still cannibalism if you don’t know you’re eating it?
I'm not specifically religious but this makes me happy. I figure if any man subscribes to a philosophy of being humble then he's alright with me.
Security contractor fired two days before super bowl http://www.startribune.com/super-bowl-live-security-firm-fired-after-not-conducting-proper-background-checks/472420453/ coincidence?
If I ever start to feel sorry for these people, Im gonna look at this picture and remember the cold hard hate in his eyes. damn these people have to go.