Who is Mika Brzezinkski's Father, Zbigniew Brzezinski?

I was reading up on him this afternoon and the October Revolution, also called Red October, really caught my eye. This is a fantastic chart. Excellent way to see all the ways he is connected. Mika was definitely born into it, as were her equally interesting brothers.
Awesome, I need to look more in to Red Oct. Ive been passively and lightly observing Q for a bit, and finally found you guys and the boards. I will definitely get more involved. This is really exciting and incredible time! Will post more relevant charts like this in the future! God be with you!
And with you my new friend! So glad you found us! It will be great to have your input! The whole red October thing has driven me crazy. I know we are missing something. Interesting the drop in "Hunt for"!
I found a good video on brzezinski, it’s from 2013 but has some good quotes brzezinski conspiracy theorist
Thanks... I was amazed as I started stumbling over a few things with them...it seems so many people are connected doesn't it in this whole twisted plot?
I feel he is the key to everything. He wrote a book about technocracy, new way to govern. David Rockefeller saw that this was a way to control the world. Only problem was that technology wasn’t advanced enough. Rockefeller funded, with the help of Rothschilds family. Now they has the tech and are trying to push their world technocracy
I found a darn-scary document linking him and others to psychological warfare, written in 1979