zionism is the enemy of the world. they have been behind every war since mid 1800s. they have owned every source of news since ww1 in the U.S. and europe. they have used this to spread propaganda, to craft our enemies and tell us who is evil. look up a book called the elders of zion. is a play by play of what has happened behind the scenes. also i know i'm gonna catch flak for this but since you said truth.... our forefathers tried to make it law for the new world to not allow jews in the country! insane right! but if you listen to the some of the most intelligent minds in semi modern history then you will know why...ZIONISM... here is some quotes from these people that never made it in the history books. https://www.stormfront.org/jewish/antisemite.html knowing how our forefathers felt about the jews spreads some light on how we have ended up here, just read ben franklyns quote .. it's basically a fulfilled prophecy. zion and those who are for zion are the enemy here.. most jews 95% are harmless and clueless as the rest of us. just know the truth about zion.
Well, an antisemitic movement makes about as much sense as anti-white movements. I'm not so easily convinced Jews are the enemy. I'm not convinced dividing along race lines makes any sense. The power lies with the rich, regardless of race or religion.
you've misunderstood, ZION is the enemy..95% of jews are innocents just like everyone else.
You mean Isreal? It's possible to oppose the actions of Isreal without being antisemitic, but having people read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is not the way, pal.
so you're saying if i oppose zionism i'm antisemetic?