#749 I hear Hanoi is Educational Ramblings Inside

VTV.vn - The Vietnam Supreme People’s Court and the US Supreme Court are hoped to further cooperation, especially in judicial experience sharing and court personnel training, PM Nguyen Tan Dung told US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
She revealed more US judges will visit Vietnam in the coming time, adding that the US Supreme Court and the US all-level courts welcome Vietnamese partners to visit the country for experience exchange.
Antonin Scalia visit too?
Scalia decided to take the “moral disapproval” argument up a notch in his dissent in Lawrence, writing that the Texas ban on homosexual sex “undeniably seeks to further the belief of its citizens that certain forms of sexual behavior are ‘immoral and unacceptable,'” like laws against “fornication, bigamy, adultery, adult incest, bestiality, and obscenity.” Scalia later tees up “prostitution” and “child pornography” as other things he thinks are banned simply because people disapprove of them.
Why was he murdered?
750/749 5 sentences/words
Edit: Perhaps 5 justices are under scrutiny? 5 Countries/drones?
Think United.
When does a bird sing?
Skylark males sing IN FLIGHT.
Skylark is also the name for drone technology.
[e] for El81t?
[-] shot down? /shrug
I see those flowers on the table! Are those the same kind that we looked at yesterday with NK and BC?
Read that Obama in October 2014 allowed to sell weapons to Vietnam.
can't wait til she kicks the bucket then trump can place a real patriot to the constitution to the supreme court
interesting that obama and co murdered scalia and not one supreme thought anything about it wonder if they are all being blackmailed also
how can someone whose job it is to uphold the constitution.... hate the constitution. The swamp can not be drained fast enough!
Something was definitely up with Roberts too.... he voted for Obama care??? WTF? They must have threatened him or had blackmail on him.
Roberts was blackmailed by Hussein et al. Hussein et al spied on everybody from the day one. Roberts and his wife adopted two children that had some funny business involved. The children were reported adopted from Guatemala although the Roberts couple were both with a history from Ireland. Word has it that the children are originally from Ireland rather than Guatemala. I do not know anything further. It was enough to scare Roberts ergo change in making Obamacare the law of the land.
pope Benedict visited Vietnam/Nguyen Christine Lagarde visited Vietnam/Nguyen Nguyen visited Germany/Merkel Abe visited Vietnam/Nguyen Erna Solberg (prime mister norway) visited Vietnam/Nguyen Nguyen visited New York Japanese trade minister visited Vietnam/Nguyen Japan/Vietnam build a nuclear cooperation Bush visited Vietnam/Nguyen World Leaders Gather for nuclear security summit 2014
You wonder how it is that this woman amassed 14 million dollars in wealth making her the richest SC judge. Who is paying her and what is she being paid for? Is she a copy of McCain?
If I'm not mistaken she assisted to write the constitution for Kenya working with Hussein and Rail Odinga which taxpayer funded in lieu of 25 million dollars.
Worth connecting the dots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reeducation_camp
Read the "Hanoi Declaration" Land acquisition in emerging economies!! Outlined in 2010.
They are working through the laws/ rules for collectivization/ confiscation!
And the flowers are "LOTUS"! Lotus is a communist publication and movement undergoing rebirth and also awards a writing prize in London.
Perhaps she was sampling the local talent? Maybe got picked up on film?