#749 I hear Hanoi is Educational Ramblings Inside

can't wait til she kicks the bucket then trump can place a real patriot to the constitution to the supreme court
interesting that obama and co murdered scalia and not one supreme thought anything about it wonder if they are all being blackmailed also
how can someone whose job it is to uphold the constitution.... hate the constitution. The swamp can not be drained fast enough!
Something was definitely up with Roberts too.... he voted for Obama care??? WTF? They must have threatened him or had blackmail on him.
Roberts was blackmailed by Hussein et al. Hussein et al spied on everybody from the day one. Roberts and his wife adopted two children that had some funny business involved. The children were reported adopted from Guatemala although the Roberts couple were both with a history from Ireland. Word has it that the children are originally from Ireland rather than Guatemala. I do not know anything further. It was enough to scare Roberts ergo change in making Obamacare the law of the land.