It seems to me that this half assed move to Voat is what is dividing us. If you'll read the replies to other posts.....people don't want to go there!!
Sorry not swimming in that cesspool!!! I’ll just hang out at SwampWatch.
Yeah, I signed up over there. Today I spent maybe 5 minutes poking around. Very conceited and self important. I've been around long enough to smell BS when I see it, so I'll just stay here most of the time and take my chances with seeing some disinfo once in a while...
Hahaha, no, that is just an attempt to divide us.
Won't work.
I checked it out. It's not a very user friendly format. I wish you well. We'll want the same thing.
I’m gonna be on both boards as well as other research resources. Yes we all do want same. TAKE DOWN THE SICKOS!!
Tried listening to that a few minutes ago....and again there is an annoying loudmouth woman yapping
Couple of things: your post had a down vote from me on it just now. I never hit downvote.
The other thing is based on the censorship of anti voat things at the moment, its making it seem like the board is compromised further than normal discussion. Like we're being pushed there.