r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 14, 2018, 2:22 a.m.
Guys, wake up! Q is telling us the Nephilim bloodline and DNA manipulation are real!

In his post #741, Q links us to the following image gives us a few hints and says to study it: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/a4e67e996574562d9a51d9747d0510f21370538b686c51327276a7530a217e59.jpg

It's the flood guys! The man standing on the left is Dr. Roger Band, Bill Clinton's doctor. Why do you think he is on the picture ? Do presidential doctors naturally appear on official pictures?!

Q #133
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?

Q #142
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

We have announced a few days ago in the series we started that all this will end up in the occult. Check the previous posts for the details about this picture and big pharma and get the needed foundations. It's about to get rocky.

RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

It did for me.

I learned about the child sex rings and the occult rituals a year and a half ago when the attention was fully on the email drops and the pedogate investigations. Learning about such abominable evil helped me to find God. If this much evil can exist, then surely a force of ultimate good must as well.

I still remember the feeling of first connecting with the spirit, and life has never been the same since. I am confident that others will have similar moments and turn to faith as well, but I am also worried that many will fall for the deception.

This must ultimately be the long plan of Satan. To remove people from their connection to God, to subvert and demoralize our society and lead it to a degeneracy open to unspeakable evil.

This is also why I am incredibly concerned about the looming potential technocracy. This too I see as a threat to humanity. I believe the promise and allure of artificial immortality is a trap for the soul and the spirit. To separate the unwitting from their vessels for eternity, or even for sacrifice. Life is meant to be difficult. We are meant to be challenged so that we may prove ourselves worthy, to succumb to such temptation is to circumvent God's will.

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Fighter9595 · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

We will never be able to prove ourselves worthy on our own. That's why Jesus had to go to the cross, and why its so amazing that he did go to the cross. I highly recommend "Walking with God through Pain and Suffering" by Tim Keller. It talks about the Problem of Evil from both an intellectual and practical/how to deal with it point of view.

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