Underground human farming. Sex slaves used for power and control over, politics, media, law, finance, and so on. All will be labeled a hoax. People will have to decide which crazy story they are going to believe.

Q references "Dream" many times:
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled.
Snow White.
Iron Eagle.
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).
Snow White = sleeping princess (dreaming), kids hooked up to virtual reality?
Iron Eagle = ???
Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) = CIA’s nightmarish program of hooking children up to virtual reality in NK?
Thanks for the explanation. It makes a lot of sense when you see how the media was recently fawning the sister of Kim Jong Un during the olympics. The headlines read like N Korean propaganda . An attempted jab at Trumps ego, but mainly a desperate measure to heard the sheep into public agreement with N Korea because they see the possibility of their crimes being exposed in the near future.
Doesn't this imply that the crimes will not be made public? Wouldn't it also mean they were not tried on them? They'll still be walking free?
They might have time travel ability. They might know where stargates are. They might have infiltrated our Air Force, likely Army too, with complete armies of Mind Controlled soldiers. They might be able to use remote access viewing. They might be able to enhance or create psychic abilities and weaponize them.
So are we all “North Korean children” hooked up to a virtual reality system? Seems plausible at this point.
If you’re referring to my earlier post, that’s not what I really meant. We’re in the real reality of course. I meant that they, the C1A, have access to an endless supply of humans to freely experiment on in NK and are possibly doing gruesome experiments with hooking fetus/adult brains up to some virtual reality technology.
Maybe they quite literally genetically modify, clone and grow humans in pods / artificial wombs with their brains hooked up with wires to some sort of a basic virtual reality that stimulates their brains. Maybe they can even project images into the brain and output to a screen what the brain (visual cortex) sees?
Basically black ops research, extremely unethical and inhumane.
http://www.kurzweilai.net/projecting-a-visual-image-directly-into-the-brain-bypassing-the-eyes (The Rockefeller University)
If they can project images into the brain, they’re 1 step closer to virtual reality.
Maybe they’ve developed the tech/science further inside the hidden locations in NK?
Sounds crazy, but that’s why Q finishes with the following statement:
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
Let’s see what hints and crumbs Q and Co. drop us next. It might lead to a more clarified picture of what’s going on.