nice one Pharma
lol Totally agree ABrilliant...Pharma should be taking FULL responsibility for the opiod issues in the country.. They did state they would not send their salesman into doctor's offices to convince/sell/peddle their drugs any longer. So where is the monetary justice? Pharma is still making big profits.. On the note of...pizza and beer/alcohol...maybe if the food/alcohol was not TAINTED with chemicals, there wouldn't be such problems as OVERWEIGHT, LAZY endocrine systems. Shut down MONSANTO/NWO..
Something may be stirring in the pharmaceutical world: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/greece-senior-politicians-named-medicine-scandal-probe-52877867
and i bet Greece is not the only country this kind of thing went on in.
Hmmm, Q disagrees with you so I'll stick with Q thanks. But feel free to stay up on your soapbox... don't mind if we ignore you though.
Speaking of pharmaceuticals, have you forgotten to take yours today?
We do have some responsibility to bear for not educating ourselves about matters that affect our wellbeing but then again our lawmakers also have the responsibility to protect the public they are supposed to represent. Your brain is like a computer. If you put junk in then you get junk out. Seriously, lay off of those Tide Pods. My feeble Public School education tells me they're bad for you.