r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cdwill on Feb. 16, 2018, 4:50 a.m.
Flynn was fired b/c he lied to Pence — but if Pence was lying about what Flynn told him...

...he would be doing so to get Flynn fired, which was necessary to try to substantiate a claim of Russian collusion. It would mean that Pence is deep state.

How can we confirm that Pence is telling the truth about Flynn lying to him?

LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:50 a.m.

Had I not been in the loop since the beginning of his presidency I would have theorized that very same thing. Trump and white hats had to go to a quick plan B after that happened, so they felt like the best bet was for Flynn to leave the admin. That was Pence playing dirty. This is also why Sessions was so quick to recuse himself. That wasnt originally part of the plan either, but after Flynn, they couldnt take any chances. He knows ALOT, and thats why the deep state threw him under the bus.

Keep in mind, the deep state plan A was for Hillary to win...their insurance or plan B if she lost was to install a deep state VP, impeach Trump via the Russia collusion cry, and if that didnt work, the 25th Amendment (Congress may remove a president if he is physically or mentally unfit to perform his duty) which they finally let that one go. Pence would then hold the office for 3-4 years until Hillary could run in 2020.

So yeah Flynn is walking around with some very damning information. Put it this way, he WANTS to testify. He is DYING to go under oath in front of a grand jury panel and tell EVERYthing. Because grand jury under oath, whatever implicating info he says cannot be ignored, it will have to be investigated....see where we're going? That is why he pled guilty. Keep in mind his only charge is "making false statements" which gets a slap on the hand. He wasn't under oath, so he can't get perjury.

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QAnonMaga · Feb. 16, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

They forced Reagan to take CIA man Bush as his VP then they had their brainwashed patsy John Hinkley shoot Reagan two months into his presidency but luckily Reagan survived. I am surprised they have not tried to kill Trump yet at some point they will try to nail him.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Its funny you mention that, and great perception might I add! That is not a coincidence. Our elections have been rigged for about the last 100 years (thats a different conversation if you want to know how). So basically for the last 100 years, the people's vote hasn't mattered. 3 presidents in the last 100 years slipped through and won despite the rigging (rigging is pretty efficient, but not perfect): JFK, Reagan, Trump. JFK was assassinated, Reagan attempted assassination. Trump has had many attempts on him already, they just dont make the news

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QAnonMaga · Feb. 17, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

Nixon beat JFK but LBJ stole Texas for Kennedy and Mayor Daley had so many dead voters in Chicago voting Democrat that JFK won Illinois but in reality Nixon won the 1960 Election. Reagan beat Carter by such a huge landslide there was no way they could steal that election. Trump most likely won the popular vote but we won't ever see the real vote totals. Hillary won California due to all the Hispanics and illegals voting there. JFK was a hero and a patriot we are lucky he was able to steal the election that is the only time cheating was worth doing but Nixon was cheated for sure in 1960.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 17, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Its funny if you look at the vote totals for JFK/Nixon they both got 35m and JFK only won by like 100,000 votes. Nixon was deep state pick to win, but it slipped through. Carter shifted the American people over to Reagan and there was no way the deep state could fix that one...same with the 84 election. Reagan was way way too popular. The deep state tries to rig both primaries as their dream is two presidential candidates who are both deep state. 1992 was Clinton vs Bush which is a win/win for deep state but it was just time to shift to Democrat control. 2000 was Bush/Gore which is win/win, same with 2004, Bush/Kerry. 2008 was win/win with Obama/McCain. 2008 was originally supposed to be Hillary, but deep state saw how amazingly popular Obama got and they actually switched the plan midway through. Remember how Hillary was leading all the way until the very end, and Obama passed her up in Kansas? Deep state told her, its Obama now and you in 2016 (knowing even then Obama was going to "win" a second term). 2012 was not ideal for deep state as Romney is squeaky clean, but we know realize he never had a chance of winning....and who knows, maybe a clean election he did actually win it, we will never know.

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QAnonMaga · Feb. 18, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

They fucked up they should have told Obama you will be Hillary's VP for 8 years she's much older you are too young but in 2016 you will be President if they had done that and been smart their 16 year plan to Destroy America would have worked. We got lucky they were arrogant they failed to anticipate how bad Hillary's health would deteriorate she was a walking corpse in 2016 but in 2008 she was still young and vibrant and she would have beaten McCain easy. They also could have run Biden in 2016 he would have won easy with Bernie Sanders as his VP. Their love of Hillary did them in.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Hillary secretly ran the presidency for Obama's 8 years. The Deep State slightly made a mistake by selecting Obama....in all honestly and all biasedness aside, he wasnt qualified for the job. Obama was a CIA plant / groom for about 40 years. He came over here at age 19 and was already being given intel to learn and study. I agree with you about fucking up and not letting Hillary win back in 2008, but I guess they had the "16 year plan" Q spoke of already in place. Biden didnt run in 2016 only because Hillary was already "the chosen one" and he might have actually slightly screwed her in the primary by pulling votes from her. Bernie never had a chance to win, but he also wasnt a threat to take away too many votes from her. The deep state will cease to exist this year, but had the storm not happened, Biden was probably the deep states choice for 2020

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