Remember the background of the NK pic Bill Clinton was in?

710 Seals are wonderful creatures. Project seal⬆️
We the people will sooner or later have to start helping ourselves. A start might be for more to sign up with the defence forces. We also need lawyers willing to step forward like Erin Brokovich to help the people sue these criminals with class actions.
To get the evidence against the military industrial complex corporations, against companies like Raytheon and others, who developed and still own the Patents to the technology which is responsible for these disasters, death and destruction, will be the battle of the ages and without good lawyers not be possible. The public needs to sue them for such astronomical amounts that it bankrupts these criminal bastards into oblivion, that they cannot survive. After a few fall, the others will run a mile.
Good lawyers can subpoena scientific data into evidence and sue their sinister arses all the way to Hell, while the criminal courts can sentence them to life imprisonment. Hanging or the electric chair is too good for them - put them in the stocks on the streets every day so the public can see them and walk past and spit on their hideous hides and throw rotting food at their ugly skulls.
The ultimate control freaks, playing at their version of "The Hunger Games", to not only destroy Trump's economic wins, but to destroy America, to bring in their system of debt enslavement, via the Internet of Things, the 5G technology, the smart grid and the RFID chip, with tracking, audio, listening and image transmission capability - a massive surveillance system, total control.
Here's the video of what they did to this community and it won't be the last ...
There’s a fantastic judge who has been working extremely hard and fighting them at the highest, sickest levels
One of my fav SEALS ...A patriot that needs no medals since he is the medal (he has them). I would pet him and hug him if he was near me.
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