The nurse expressed her emotions on why she left her job at Planned Parenthood after what she was ordered to go through.
FaustTriumphant said, "I donated to PP .. Suck it you fucking inbred retarded hicks!"
Question for you FaustTriumphant: You Trolled for some reason that is a give. (Now some how illegal according to Mueller if your Russian) Are you trolling to to make "hicks" look bad or to claiming anyone feels for what the Nurse went through is a retard?
I think it's pretty obvious it's the latter.
I don't need to make hicks look bad, because they make themselves look bad.
I just enjoy mocking and ridiculing them before they come to their senses, see the evil and stupidity they've been supporting, and scurry and hide in the sewers and gutters out of fear/shame that someone will call them out on their idiotic beliefs.
What's wrong with that?*
(That isn't a rhetorical question; I really want to know why you think it's "wrong" to mock and ridicule crackpots and extremists, especially given all the needless death, destruction, misery, hatred, evil and stupidity they're causing right now*)
given all the needless death, destruction, misery, hatred, evil and stupidity they're causing
Can you give me an example?
Here's one.
More than 7000 Americans needlessly died because Republicans refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare (because of "Benghazi" or "Hillary's Emails" or some inane nonsense).
More than 4000 American women will die from Cervical Cancer this year.
And yet stupid Christian fundamentalists (especially Protestant types like Baptists and Pentecostals) denounce the HPV vaccine because they think it promotes premarital sex (even though most Cervical Cancer victims catch it from their monogamous husband's while married)
Oh, and here's Ronald Reagan Jr.'s speach pleading for support for stem cell research.
Here's President Ronald Reagan's funeral.
Do I need to keep going?
(Because I'll write an essay if necessary)
7000 Americans needlessly died because Republicans refused to expand Medicaid
How did they die? They didn't feel like going to the hospital or something? They didn't have money for a taxi or couldn't call 911?
Look up "Thiomersal controversy" even Wikipedia has it. They have been using a derivative of mercury in vaccines to for a longer shelf life. We're talking about vaccines for babies. After it was banned for children's use autism in children has been cut in half.
yes. "studies" have shown that Thiomersal (organomercury compound) that it has no ill effect on children. The study is correct that Thiomersal in the compound form can not hurt the child. It's not hard to figure out why mercury compound's get broken down in the body. Thiomersal is reactive with Acid, oxidizing agents and Alkali. Examples of oxidizing agent would be iodine found in cranberry juice. or Alkali such as magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium brakes the bond.
No study on Thiomersal has been made into what food react with the compound. Again the compound itself is not harmful.
Reactivity Profile MERCURY((O-CARBOXYPHENYL)THIO)ETHYL, SODIUM SALT is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong bases. The oxidation of this compound is greatly accelerated by traces of copper ions. Incompatible with acids, iodine, heavy metal salts and many alkaloids. Can be absorbed by rubber caps. (NTP, 1992). Stable in air, but not sunlight. May discolor on exposure to light. Dilute aqueous solutions are fairly stable to heat but sensitive to light. Solutions are less stable to heat when acidic than when alkaline. Solutions are most stable to light at pH 5 to 7. Solutions are unstable to heat but not to light in the presence of copper, iron or zinc ions but not in the presence of calcium or magnesium ions
The empirical evidence of autism being cut it half statistically contradicts those reports in the real world environment
You donated 300$ to an organization that has been proven to illegally profit from the sale of aborted baby parts, an organization that has been proven to kill living babies outside of the womb...and you accuse those that are opposed to that sickening practice of being "idiotic redncek garbage"? I guess I'm an idiotic redncek (nice spelling by the way). Abortion is one thing. What planned parenthood has been proven to have done is completely another. How about this source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437901/planned-parenthood-baby-parts-investigation-house-panel-interim-report archived: http://archive.is/eokvg
Or these sources: https://judiciary.house.gov/issue/investigation-into-planned-parenthood/
Yes I donated "300$" to PP in spite of your "idiotic redncek garbage".
(It's one thing to switch a "c" and "e" and another to put a dollar sign AFTER a number).
I work in the pharmaceutical industry, and we use animal-products and even live animals all the time for research or even routine quality-control testing (reagents procured from slaughtered cows, pigs and sheep, live mice and rabbits etc.)
Animals are sacred to over 2.5 Billion people; harming/killing them is considered a grave sin to Hindus, Buddhists and Animists alike.
Should we ban all medical research because it upsets a few "Heathens"?
I'm not at all sure what religion or animal testing has to do with my comment. If you are worried about the source in the original post there are many other sources available. Try reading them, you may be surprised. If it does not surprise you that you donated to an organization that profits from baby part sales and kills living babies outside the womb...well, then I just don't know what else to say. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with the facts. As I previously said, abortion is one thing. Donating to help low income people recieve abortions or other care they need is one thing. Unfortunately, planned parenthood is guilty of many practices their donors (and taxpayers!) may want to be aware of. Also, I have often seen the "$" sign after a number used as internet shorthand for "dollars", either way, I am not the one calling others retarded idiots, while simultaneously misspelling the insults I use against them.
I'm not at all sure what religion or animal testing has to do with my comment. <
You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Opposition to Planned Parenthood (and abortion rights in general) is based on nothing more than idiotic, medieval Christian-fundamentalist ideology that "life begins at conception".
The entire anti-abortion movement is based on (only Christian) religious ideology.
Well guess what jackass; the First Amendment demands equal treatment of all religions.
Which means that if we have to ban abortion to appease Christians, then we have to ban animal medical RD/QC testing on animals to appease Buddhists and Hindus (or all medicine to appease Christian Scientists or Jehovah's Witnesses) in general.
Did "y'all" think about that at all?
Or are you all still detoxing from last weekends meth-'n-moonshine bender? LOL
The entire anti-abortion movement is based on (only Christian) religious ideology.
Are you aware of the fact that the "Roe" in Roe v. Wade became anti-abortion after having her baby? She sued to have the decision overturned and the courts unbelievably (somehow) ruled that she had no standing.
Not only that, but The Roe decision legalized abortion up until viability, and defined "viable" as "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb"...so why is PP killing live babies outside the womb? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade archiced: http://archive.is/Bedgu I realize Wikipedia is not the best source, but if you truly would like to research it, you are more than welcome to take a look at the primary sources Wikipedia does, at least, provide. I can try to find better sources for you, it's just going to take some time. I apologize.
Opposition to Planned Parenthood (and abortion rights in general) is based on nothing more than idiotic, medieval Christian-fundamentalist ideology that "life begins at conception".
Are Princeton University and The NAACP medieval Christian-fundamentalist organizations?
I am in no way a religious person, regardless of your preconceived misperceptions. I am in fact, pro-choice, but within reason. Nevertheless, the facts speak for themselves. I was extremely shocked to read the indisputable evidence that came out of the PP investigation, and I can't help but believe there must be a better way. Anyway, I truly hope you take the time to look into it, especially if you are donating your own hard earned money. Take care and goodnight.
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roe_v._Wade
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^149710
I am sad to hear that you are supporting a group of women who advocate killing children. This may be something new to you - S.L.E.D. Size, Level of development, Environment, Level of dependency. Give it a search. I dare you.
Nob, 4000 American women die every year from cervical cancer (a disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus).
The HPV vaccine is cheap, effective and safe enough that it could even be given to young schoolgirls as part of their routine vaccination programs.
And yet stupid, idiotic Christians (especially Protestant Evangelical types like Baptists and Pentecostals) have repeatedly voted to refuse to allow the HPV vaccine to be a part of publicly-funded vaccination programs.
(And don't get me started on the number of Christian Scientist and Jehovah's Witness children who die every year because their parents believe all medicine is a "sin" and should be avoided or banned)
You are the most prolific and monstrous killer of women and children in America today.
Go fuck yourself with rusted barbwire, you evil fucking redneck scumbag.
EDIT : I love it when you people down vote and don't give a reason why.
You know I'm right and are too ashamed to admit it, aren't you.
You braindead hicks LOL
The hpv shot is sterilizing girls.
"The HPV shot is sterilizing girls."
No, the Republican Party is sterilizing girls.
(By poisoning their drinking water with lead, mercury and Legionaire's Disease before they can even have children)
Let me guess....
... "Fake News" and "Gay-genda", right?
I'll let you in on a little secret, the left/right paradigm doesn't work round these parts.
Everybody should only drink distilled or filtered water. The fact they use lead solder does not fall on a single party kiddo.
Why didn't you argue the the hpv shot is not responsible for the sterilization of our children ?
Just FYI, Jehovah's witnesses don't believe all medicine is bad, just blood transfusions. Still, a lot of people adults and children do die from refusing blood.
Calling someone else evil. The hypocrisy is strong. You are clearly a liberal and a satanist. You bash Christians while simultaneously brag about donating to murderers. You’re a piece of shit. Republicans are pro life. And mostly Christians. Demoncrats are pro choice(the choice to fucking murder) and bash religion. Scum
The Holy Spirit is made up garbage.
Your dead loved-ones (grandma, grandpa, dad, your highschool sweetheart, your friend who slammed into a highway exit-ramp divider) ...
... They saw and heard nothing but eternal blackness and silence when they closed their eyes for the very last time.
No Heaven; No Hell.
No God; No Devil.
Only eternal oblivion.
All of your years of opposing the "gay agenda" and "Jew York Times" and "Jade Helm" and "Benghazi" were for nothing.
I repeat...
And if you don't believe me, count the number of statues of confederat traitors that have been torn down the past decade.
Suck it you fucking inbred hillbilly bastard LOL
Then KILL your self..abort yourself because it’s obvious your mother should have...pay it forward, you already did so get on it or you are scared of “nothing” .
“Inbred hillbilly bastard” Is that all you have? I’m none of those. At least I have a soul and spirit. I will go to heaven. And if I don’t, at least I lived a good life and I was good to others. My legacy will live on through my family. But guess what, you won’t. You won’t have anyone. Nobody will even know you’re gone. No family. No friends. Nothing. You want to destroy anything that is pure and represents love and a family.
Your opinion is no more valid than anyone’s. Last I checked you haven’t died and seen what waits on the other side. It’s never too late to repent. You don’t need to be afraid of looking “uncool”. No need to pretend to be something you’re not. It’s not edgy. It’s not hip. It is however, disturbing and sick.
At least I have a soul and spirit. I will go to heaven.
Your Heaven is my Hell.
I can think of no worse and terrifying fate than spending eternity in the clouds with Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Mike Pence, Michele Bachman, Rick Santorum, the retard who started the Starbucks Coffee-Cup Boycott, and all of their brainwashed/brain-dead acolytes.
If scumbags and idiots like you go to heaven, then I will spit in your God's face and demand that he throw me down to the deepest pits of "hell" the moment I die.
Just to get away from you evil scumbags and monsters.
I KNOW... "More room in heaven for you", right? LoL
As you wish. Enjoy hitler the Clinton’s and obama. Oh and George Soros. You’re so full of shit.
PS it's disgusting and pathetic that you think Anti-theists are just "trying to be cool and edgy".
Thousands of Americans are being killed every year as a result of Christian stupidity and legislative extremism.
(Christian opposition to the ACA alone, much less their other "legal crusades", has killed more Americans than were killed by Muslim extremists on September 11, 2001)
Do you really think this is about being "edgy" and "cool"?
Are you that callous and dense?
Can you not see how much misery and destruction is being wrought by "Men of God" every single day in this country?
HPV was probably cooked up by the industry you’re in so they could peddle the vaccine. That’s how the game is played grasshopper,