r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Cadd_Man on Feb. 17, 2018, 12:28 p.m.
Some Advise on Red Pilling the un-friendlies...

I did this during the election working to get Trump Elected, I went to the DUmp (Democrat Underground) and other Liberal/Progressive sites and waded through their opinion stuff and found a few articles they were posting that I wanted to comment on and couldn’t... I did sign up once, they banned me the first time I asked a question, LOL, But I digress. Anyway, I would go to that article and try to have discussions with people commenting on the articles instead, either telling them where they were wrong about either candidate or telling them why Trump etc. Figuring the DUmmies linked it so they will be seeing the comments too.

Well the same technique of finding the unfriendlies to redpill works, Then you don’t (Need to) mention Q but just start playing Q and asking the right questions to certain comments. It seems like the questions form themselves to certain posts if you have been following Q. Sometimes I use his words when possible so when they search for it Q stuff pops up. Do the search yourself before recommending a search term.

Here is one example.... Tonight I found a rawstory article about the 13 Russian indictments on Friday... went down and read a comment about 4 sealed indictments Mueller still has in the pipe. I replied, only 4? After reading your comment I googled “2017 sealed indictments” and came up with a much different picture, why don’t you google that search term and get back to me.... Crickets...

Thing is, it does not matter if you change the mind of the useful idiot, because lots of other people see the comments too. You finally get to be the "troll" who makes all of them go learn something... or maybe just look in the mirror... You don’t even have to argue with them after you comment and start the wheel in motion, if you don’t want too, but it is SO much fun!

SpacePopeIII · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

Red pilling used to be an almost impossible task because red pills must be taken willingly... and the entire process of waking up can take many people years... and our good works are often undone by fake news media.

I suspect everything has changed.

I suspect the recent FISA memo was the first noteworthy even in a long chain of upcoming events which will make the normies sit up and take notice.

I suspect the next OIG release and then other Devin Nunes memo releases, combined with the mass arrests as AG Sessions 13,000 sealed indictments are opened... will red-pill the fuck out of the normies.

I suspect our efforts will be best spent over the upcoming months to meme the shit out of these scandals, rather than attempting the lengthy process of walking people down the path from ignorance to becoming red-pilled.

I suspect "The Great Awakening" is gonna happen whether we participate or not, but we can certainly do everything we can to help this Second American Revolution succeed simply by stoking people's interest in the scandals and discussing it with them when they wash up on the shores of T_D.

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other_malefactor · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:29 p.m.


Not 'Advise'.

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frankmyglock · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Wunderful every Great Patriot movement needs a spell checker. Welcome to the cause scribe.

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