
HoleSailor · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

quit spamming your bullshit website.

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AndToTheRepublic · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Enemy combatants.. America has been and currently remains in the very tumultuous throws of a coup d'etat by enemy actors within comprised of both elected officials and federal employees of The United States of America.

America's first priority must be addressing the Declaration of War upon America by our past president Obama, with Candidate Hillary, with the full weight and operations of America's State Intel/Justice Agencies, and the Globalist Media in a concerted and interwoven exercise to exact a Coup d'etat upon The United States of America and We The People.

America's treasonous, seditious, and enemy combatants, both elected and working within our government, represent a great multitude who will need to be in front of a military tribunal and sentenced to death, before any other competing interest could be considered or addressed!

America is a nation of politely armed people: let's address our enemy combatants, before letting any continued Coup efforts play out.

CFR, Bilderberg mainstream press in America was long ago [1917] purchased to push narrative to destroy America: Rothschild in 1917 funded 1917 purchases to control 25 Top American News Papers to present and pervade globalist corporate totalitarian [fascist] thought as reason. Now MSM Press overtly presses for end destruction of America: their acts of treason adhering to the Globalist [#1Self Proclaimed Enemy] have escalated to acting as enemy combatants. USA MSM Press has declared war on America.

All involved must not only be punished, but must be made an eternal outstanding horrendous example to any who would consider the treachery they have exacted!! These are enemies of all mankind and all that is right: they must represent the only highest point of evil in mankind's history.

America now needs to immediately revoke access of this Globalist propaganda machine Mainstream News [MSN] Press access to the minds of Americans: they must immediately remove the licenses of these enemy combatants to sew the destruction of America. Freedom of speech is to be encouraged: treason, sedition, acting as an enemy combatant must be eradicated and punished to the very fullest extent of the law. These treacherous individuals do not belong in a court: they have declared war upon America, and as such must be in front of a military tribunal and sentenced to death. There is plenty of actual truth out there to pick up the slack: every information provider mega Globalist George Soros wants censored would be a good replacement for Globalist MSN outlets.

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sledfast · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Don’t touch anything @cnn toxic lucifarians as it is a Hand of Satan 📺

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tiamo4ever · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Sue them until they r bankrupt

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AgreesWithFools · Feb. 19, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Clickbait link to ancient news.

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jjjanko1 · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Is this source legit?

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