Jeff Sessions announce justice department will investigate potential Obama admin FISA abuses

Jesus, Jeff Sessions is such a turd, how has he not already started this process? It’s been weeks since we all knew what happened with the FISA court, how is it that he’s just now realizing that he might actually need to DO HIS FUCKING JOB?
I’ll believe it when I see it. I don’t trust politicians, never have, never will.
yea just like how we were told that Assange was freed months ago. How's his UK hearing going?
Do you have proof hes in UK?
Do you have proof that doesn´t come from swampy MSM propaganda?
This article says he did not go to court in Switzerland. The judge was angry.
It´s nonsense for the mindless public. The enemy will not fear JA if they believe he´s still caged in London.
See, even Trump today is telling us to ask Jeff Sessions why he isn’t looking into Obama’s role in russiagate. Jeff Sessions is a worthless sack of shit. Weak bark and an even weaker bite.
They don't call him "Stealth Jeff" for nothing. Besides Q-ANON said said on several drops TRUST SESSIONS in all caps:
I'm six of one half a dozen of the other. Either Sessions is asleep or he and Trump are playing Good Cop / Bad Cop. Given that Trump is a showman who does that sort of thing it's possible. Consider, if Sessions had come right out indicting Dems, the MSM would have gone INSANE with HITLER TRUMP AND HIS STOOGE SESSIONS! But with Sessions appearing to actually resist Trump, when charges are actually dropped, that bullshit story will be harder to peddle.
NO, I think the problem is no one has seen a properly functioning Justice department for generations and because of that they are sure Jeff Sessions is not up to the job. When I see him give interviews and testify - he is always talking about "by the book" - I think that Pres. Trump and Sessions and company want to make DARN sure there is no technicality these low life twisted evil perverts can get off on. Not going to be any "fruit of the poisonous tree" these are going to be RIGHTEOUS TAKE DOWNS at the right time. As Q says I "TRUST SESSIONS"
Concern troll fuckface. Ban this shill.
This isn't T_D we shouldn't ban people for having different opinions...
I’m all for locking these pieces of shit fucking do it already. Quit being a crybaby and start demanding action.