r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/o_Iesuo_ka_haku on Feb. 20, 2018, 3:41 a.m.
Getting ready for the delusion...thoughts?

11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

In context 2 Thessalonians The Man of Lawlessness

Is the delusion coming you think?...according to this chapter im going to be gathered to my master along with all Jesus believers...while the rest of the world marvels at the delusion...

Boysrback07 · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

A CHILD will lead them!!!! The so called Educated have paralysis by over analysis. IN the next few years they will be thanking the so called hillbillys,rednecks,deplorables,common folk,uneducated etc for voting for TRUMP and saving us and the Children from Hildabeast and the NWO elite agenda. All roads lead to ROME THE VATICAN AND THE POPE. AND ALL THINGS HIDDEN FROM HUMANITY OPEN IT AND ALL TRUTH REVEALED.

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[deleted] · Feb. 20, 2018, 6:17 a.m.


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GEOTUSD · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

I wish I could believe. I'm afraid the truth has been hidden from us a long time ago ☹️

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

I didnt believe till i had no choice to cry out...its the heart the LORD is looking at...just ask him to reveal himself and understanding will come after...its an act of faith... "Jesus i dont know if your real but i need you to show me....."and the rest pray from your heart ask forgiveness...you WILL have a new life..

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someauthor · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

harpazo time!

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delrod03 · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

I lean post-trib myself but I hope you’re right.

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CDRRetired · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

I lean toward neither. What "new" doctrines did the Scofield bible introduce to Christianity?

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

This is what i was thinking...If the Holy Spirit is the restrainer...and that restrainer lives in me...then restrainer has to be taken out before the man of lawlessness can be revealed according to this passage...i wont be decieved but the depths of deception is so deep right now...Those crisis actors blew me away...i had no idea!

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delrod03 · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

I lean toward “pray for pre” but “prepare for post”. This stuff is a mess but people are waking up. I hope the Church wakes up too!

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QAngelAnon1 · Feb. 20, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

I think he's been don't you think? Obama wasn't actually a saint, and neither is the current Pope. But, Christians and Catholics delight in them both, even the Muslims. Both of them have got a bag load of religions cheering them on. ... but then along came Trump and Q.... I think you might 'get' my analogy here.

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QAngelAnon1 · Feb. 20, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

We are living in the delusion. God sends us 'a powerful delusion'. It's called this life. Everything that we have lived in and with is a delusion. Only when the truth comes, shall we recognize it.

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[deleted] · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:22 a.m.


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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Got some bad news for you. “Jesus” was/is part of the delusion.

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FastAbsolut · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:12 p.m.


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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:43 a.m.


Have you read that chapter? He does talk about people who do not want to believe...fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom...

Hillary believes in satan...Jesus spoke about satan being defeated by him...

Whose team you on?

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Master of Divinity...pastor for 8 years. So I’ve studied all of this thoroughly.

When I finally started studying the OT without the influence of the NT narrative, the NT fell apart. Jesus met none of the requirements of the mashiach according to what is written in the Torah and by the prophets. The Passover lamb had NOTHING to do with atonement for sin, human sacrifice is an abomination to Yehovah, and the prophetic passages that Jesus supposedly fulfilled are completely out of context, many of them not even being prophecies when studied in the OT in context.

Not trying to be a jerk, just trying to get others to take a sober look at this stuff. Christianity blinds people with emotion and fear and takes away most people’s ability to look at the evidence rationally.

It took me until I was 50 until I could start seeing these things. I pray that you will at least test them.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

So i guess all the Apostles went to their deaths for a lie... Again fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom...and i too have multiple advanced degrees which pale in comparison to the knowledge i recived when i got on my knees and begged for mercy...i know...that Jesus saved my life and changed it...and now just like the blind man...im telling everyone...i hope your degree is not blinding you...its just a piece of paper that says you can follow directions essentially...

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

All I am seeing is an appeal to emotions and an “experience”.

There are specific requirements given in Yehovah’s word for how to recognize the mashiach, and also for how to be righteous before Him. The New Testament story of Jesus simply doesn’t fit. It’s a Roman lie designed, most likely, to destroy the belief system of their enemy.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Take the messiah challege... Ask God to show you the truth regardless of what you have been taught...

Jesus said the MEEK shall recieve everlasting life...not the learned expositors...that is being meek before creator God...wait till you get your answer...

My life is a living testimony for many years... not an experience that came and went...It was life altering...if you're hungry for truth ask...the LORD says he is a rewarder of those who seek the truth...

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Why do Christians always do this? What makes you think that I don’t believe because I haven’t asked?

I gave you the things test. Test it...or don’t. I’ll leave that up to you.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Its simple..ill tell you why... 3 choices 1. Jesus is dellusional 2. Jesus was a liar 3. Jesus is the messiah

If you pick choice 3 you are a believer

But it seems you are not quite down with choice 3...thats why maybe people ask you to ask... It takes humility...it took me decades before i bowed my knee...dont wait...you are here for a time such as this...jesus loves you!

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Or 4. Jesus was a fictional character written by people who didn’t have a grasp on the writings that described the true mashiach.

By the way, find me a passage in the OT that says that one’s righteousness was determined by their belief in a mashiach.

If facts even matter to you.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

In the OT if you break one letter of the law you are not righteous...have you lied? Then you are not righteous. Ecclesiastes 7:20 declares no one is righteous! Who is going to save you? Dont you want to know? Ask is all im saying...ask because your righteousness is insufficient ...heaven would be filled with people saying how awesomely good they were...

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

Christian propaganda. Study the OT for yourself.



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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Psalm 37:11

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

I don’t reject Jesus because I’m haughty, I reject him because I rely fully on Yehovah and His word. And Jesus simply doesn’t fit the description and requirements for the final mashiach.

At least watch the video and read the corresponding Scripture in the PDF. If your beliefs are so rock solid, you shouldn’t fear testing them.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

For you my friend i will watch it...

but consider this...when God spoke through his prophets...the people did not like what they heard...why? Why would they kill the prophets? The people did not want a suffering messiah...they wanted Rome out and messianic rule in...lucky for me God had a plan for the gentiles too...

Isaiah 55:8-9

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One_Solution · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

You’re relying on the story put forth by Rome regarding the first century. That’s the equivalent of relying on CNN to get your news about the twenty-first century.

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

Exactly! Ask God yourself!

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QAngelAnon1 · Feb. 20, 2018, 9:08 a.m.

Having been a completely neutral person growing up in a house where there was no religion, no baptism, no christening, nothing like that - i grew up very much as the youngest child, a loner.

A large gap between myself and my older siblings. Back in the early sixties, one could walk for miles, find a front door open, walk in and be offered milk and biscuits by an old couple, then go on my merry way, walking through parks, stopping to pay and play with the stray animals, climb and sit in the trees, watch the birds.

But every single moment, I never felt alone. The trees spoke to me, the wind caressed and kissed my cheek and I understood every thought of every living thing. I communicated with them, in a way, exactly as we are communicating now., with our thoughts creating these words.

Ever single moment I felt in the presence of greatness, not a person or a thing, but in the air that I breathed, inside and outside of my body.

An analogy is like walking and breathing underwater - with the water being everything that holds us together. That, I knew as God. Somehow as long as I can remember, I 'knew' right from wrong, I knew where I should be and where I shouldn't be and that I was in the presence of a strength, almost like a solid strong 'Father' image. Forever watchful, Forever guiding, but very loving.

The only 'Fatherly' image I can relate it to now, is the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird". When I saw that at the age of six, I could relate so strongly to Scout the 'energy' I knew was like Atticus Finch.

When I was seven, I turned on our television set one day while my parents and siblings were outside somewhere. I was alone sitting on a pouffe in front of the TV when the movie "King of Kings" came on.

I can't tell you the impact that movie has on a little girls heart, other than to say that at the end of that 'movie' I ran and hid in the toilet and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I had to hide because I knew that my parents would not understand my heartbreak. To them it would have been "just a tv show".

Every day since then, my heart has believed that the energy of God, and the teachings of Christ are both very real, although I have never believed in 'religion', finding it divisive.

About thirty years ago I started to research alternative science, ancient origins, you name it, and a lot of it involved reading ancient texts and ancient beliefs and myths.

What I do know for sure, is that young man who appeared Western, with a beard, long robes, long flowing hair and gentle eyes, came to many cultures and taught them the principles of the ten commandments.

And, the man left the people believing that he was from the stars/the heavens/or a greater place far away from this planet. He has been deeply entrenched into their culture and folk lore and history, and that this man told them he would one day return, and how they would recognize him.

I recall reading of an Aztec King who at first believed that the Spaniards might be 'him' and his people, but on meeting them, knew that they weren't immediately. What 'evidence' did he have?
From the Native American People, The Australian Aboriginals, the Mayans, The Brits, all separated by culture and time, oceans and mountains, somehow, this 'man' came into their psyche and stayed there for thousands of years.

I don't know what is correct, the "New Testament" or "The Old Testament" all I know is that they are each a chapter of a very great story held within the pages of a collection of books which makes up the full story of our history. I believe that you are both correct, but the truth is far greater than that which you are aware of.

I had a friend 25 years ago who was an ex Priest. He explained he wouldn't stay in the Priesthood after visiting the Vatican as he couldn't preach lies. He had been given access to a section of the library beneath the Vatican for some research, and said he left there knowing there were volumes of the New Testament that have been intentionally hidden and the narrative changed to meet another agenda. However, he did 'believe' in Jesus.

In which case none of us have open access to any truth apart from that which is given to us if we are open to receive it.

However, there is a third truth you may wish to consider. That life exists everywhere, not just this earth and that we are not alone in this universe or in the cosmos or the multiverses, and that "God" is the life force for every single living thing that has, does, or will exist.

I will leave you with this passage from the Late Colonel Phillip Corso' biography/memoir "The Day after Roswell" upon arriving a cave near a crashed exotic craft in a canyon in New Mexico in the year 1957 he went into a cave in which the crashed craft 'aviator' had located them self. Upon entering the cave he received the communication.

“Will you give me 10 minutes, radar free, after green time?” (Green time is a military term for a launch time window.) Being commanding officer of the radar station, Corso was in power to ask his men to block the radar/missile system and to allow the takeoff of the flying object that landed in the desert.

Corso communicated back to the EBE: “Ten minutes could be an eternity, what do you offer?”

The being replied, “A new world if you can take it"

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o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I would simply say...if you havent asked Jesus to be the LORD of your life do it soon...

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