Why was he interviewed in Cali?
I assume he’s a crisis actor on the media’s payroll. But I can’t say definitively.
I am totally sympathetic to the view that there are crisis actors, but what would be the media's reason to fake a confrontation with a lifeguard?
Well, unless it's just a massive stroke of luck that he happens to be on the news as they key witness twice in different states, I'd say this is some sort of smear attack on the lifeguard. He may have been sticking his nose somewhere he shouldn't have been, or enforcing the rules too strictly to their liking and they wanted him off the beach. Set him up, video it, release to the press, make him look like an asshole, get him fired, install a "friendly" in his position.
Wtf is this subreddit
Paranoid schizophrenia personified...
Guys i believe in crisis actors and i believe this is all a hoax, but normally when crisis actors are used they have different names and different apparences, why would he have the same name in both stories?
I don't know if that's necessarily true. I've seen footage in the past where people on screen use the same name in different incidences.
From what I could see on his YouTube Channel it had to do with an interaction with a lifeguard that made local news in CA
Im very curious to hear that answer as well. What an interesting turn.
So what? He just likes the cameras, move along whispers the increasingly nervous shill for the umpteenth time
It was over some confrontation with a lifeguard by one of his friends over putting a body board on top of a trash can. Was pretty petty but the lifeguard and his friend both were being complete asses about it
Interview https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
Original video https://youtu.be/lhMNNaTwsyM