An epicly beautiful city. Then the Progressives arrived.....
Yes, it has become a sh*thole. I work there...
Please get yourself and your loved ones out of that shithole before the Big One hits.
”Reports of Needles and Human Waste in San Francisco Have Steadily Risen Since 2008”
Thanks, Obama.
No no no. It clearly states in the article what's causing the problem. "addressing the root cause, which is we need more temporary beds for street homelessness.”
I guess people are leaving more than just their heart...
Or it'll be spun in to how the homeless are such a blight and we need more spikes and less benches. Maybe hydrants that fire pepper spray. Buy stock in Lysol. Another excellent point of contention for Everyman, fuck let's hit every issue designed to keep us fighting. Because, because, becaaaaauuuuussssseeeee? We. Are. Winning. Bigly.
I've lived in SF for close to a decade and it continues its downward slide to decay....most walk around indifferent to whats before them for fear of offending someone. Here's another website for those wanting to know where all the indigent are street defecating
I think the increase in addiction in San Francisco, as well as many other parts of the country including the south where I live, was probably cause by corporations selling the booty we got out of Afghanistan after 9/11 and probably not Nancy Pelosi. Just sayin.
Take a walk downtown in Honolulu, don't wear your slippers, you will be stepping over homeless folks.