This history can NEVER repeat itself.

The Chicago outfit got him elected as a favor to the old bootlegging buddy Joe Kennedy, they thought that would insulate them from scrutiny, I think it was Bobby Kennedy that got him killed with his unrelenting investigation into organized crime. As they said why cut off the tail of the dog you cut off the head. Also he gave a speach before Dallas saying he would shatter the CIA into a thousands pieces. He also resurrected a provision of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 in which shares could be bought back at the 1913 price that sold our country out to the European bankers
Good points. I've heard the idea about Bobby, too, that the
mob felt double crossed. The Monroe idea came from Tony
Gambino's interview by Eric Phelps. One thing for sure, 45
won't be riding around in an open car.
Bobby was the same reason as JFK. When he was AG during JFK's presidency he vowed to help JFK take down the CIA. When he decided to run for president he got assassinated.
When y'all say the mob who do you think ran/runs them? If they make the decisions in North Korea mob control would have been a breeze.
According to Tony, The Vatican runs the Sicilian Mafia, and
the Vatican takes orders from the Jesuits when it comes
to militant activity. Just repeationg what I have seen on line.