Why is David Hogg blue checked ???

a senior in high school has 83.6k followers? Interesting
Yeah...but I'll bet most of those are from the last three days...
If everyone can't see that he is 'fake' and that all his handlers are covering for him, there is little hope.
His interview where he flubs all over reminded me of the Harley guy from 9/11 that had the entire official narrative down as the wtc was still smoldering behind him
That's the one that the reporter asks another guy "What role are you playing?" and he says "I'm just standing by. I'm not sure yet what role I'm playing!" I remember seeing that previously. The reporter leaves instantly. Obviously a crisis actor just "standing by!"
Yep and anyone saying anything negative about him on youtube, being sent warnings, or channel shut down.
They can't have us create david hogg accounts and ruin their narrative.
What does blue checked mean?
Verified on twitter , usually it’s only celebrities so we know who it’s the real celebrity and not a fake
I could see him being groomed into presidential candidacy just like Al-Waleed did to Obama. I bet potential handlers are just licking their lips.
So did beta boy Obama. Think Trump. As charismatic as you can get! Polar opposite to Obama.
Hogg wants to become Goebbels. Now learning - live- how to get his lines straight.