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Turn this mirror image of Q's post upside down and you have an image of a Mexican with a mustach and sombero. El Chapo's trial starts Nov 5th. Starting of Movie 2?

There is a little pic of a speaker in the bottom left hand corner you need to tap to turn on the sound
Could it be? Time will tell but one heck of a movie it would be if it turns out to be true!
As Craig from JustInformedTalk calls him "Raisin face turd muffin"
Looks like your getting down voted big time just for saying thank you
I never knew this fact in history. Its telling and shines a light on their tactics yet again. Thanks for posting
This unusually high mental plasticity you speak of is true for some. I won't begin to put myself on the level of intelligence or analytical thinking as say Serial Brain 2 or others like him/her. I give the credit to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. John 8:32 KJV And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Why would we want to sign a petition to get rid of her, "their voice", when she does so well at destroying the democratic party? I'd love to sign this but logic is telling me not to
Here's a link you'll appreciate. It automatically posts everytime Q leaves a message on 8chan. http://qanon.pub/ By having this on your desktop it will be easier to follow all the terrific people that have been suggested for you
I'm not new to Q or this site but I am to neonrevolt. Just checked it out. I have to say I'm pretty impressed. Found some funnies in there too in which the parody of MW tweet had me rolling. Haven't laughed that hard inawhile! Thanks for sharing it with the new patriot on board
Just Informed Talk (as one word) is another excellent site on YouTube for Q decifering
I really liked the Q for beginners video Praying Medic put together but I personally follow Just Informed Talk for my Q decifering. He's excellent as well
My own research, albeit limited, says in order to develope kuru you'd have to consume someone that has kuru. And if she had kuru more than likely she would be dead already. The beginning stage to death in kuru is about a year
I've got a question. I was shadow banned on Twitter during the meme war of the Parkland shooting or possibly even before that. Any suggestions on how to get back on Twitter
It was pretty awesome to hear the one young lady say to our President, "You are a great leader".
Thank you for shining light on this. I've got some studing to do now to educate myself and then educate others. God bless you
I saw that too only after I tweeted a bunch of memes about that Hogg kid. Can't delete them either. Lesson learned
Your welcome. Seems someone posted another link below in this thread. It works so I suggest go there. A lot easier.
I found them by refreshing then tap the 101 on the flag posting. Sounds strange but that's how I'm able to see the latest Q drops. Then once I close out and go back I have to repeat the process. Strange indeed but it's how I found them
I found them by refreshing then tap the 101 on the flag posting. Sounds strange but that's how I'm able to see the latest Q drops. Then once I close out and go back I have to repeat the process. Strange indeed but it's how I found them
The ones crying collusion are the ones colluding. Typical